From the Bishop

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  Durante esta temporada de Pascua, y siempre, Jesús nos muestra el verdadero amor
  La Eucaristía – La fuente del perdón, la sanación y la gracia
  Ministrando a nuestros hermanos y hermanas
October 2024   A matter of life and death: The wisdom of the early Church
April 2024   Behold the Lamb
March 2024   Enriching the Altar
January February 2024   Forming a Kingdom for Christ
December 2023   Symbolic Acts of Communion
November 2023   Sharing Christ’s Peace
September 2023   The Single Word That Rings Throughout the Universe
July August 2023   Generous Intercessions: The Power of Praying for Others
June 2023   My Lord and My God
May 2023   The True Presence of Christ
April 2023   The Sacrament of Remembrance
October 2022   Fight Like Heaven
September 2022   In Reciting the Creed, We Say ‘I Believe’
July August 2022   Why Do We Have a Homily at Mass?
June 2022   Encounter Christ Through the Holy Words of the Mass
May 2022   We Are Never Alone at Mass
April 2022   At Mass, We Desire the Mercy Which Is Found in Jesus
April 2022   Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
March 2022   In Thanksgiving for the Gift of the Eucharist
March 2022   My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ
January February 2022   We Are All Members of the Household of Faith
December 2021   Disciples Together On the Way
November 2021   Mission Is the Most Important Part of Realignment Process
November 2021   Bishop Boyea's Year of the Bible
November 2021   Are We ‘Fully Conscious and Active’ During Mass?
October 2021   Communion, Participation and Mission – Synodality!
October 2021   Scripture in the Sacred Liturgy After the Second Vatican Council
October 2021   A Scriptural Rosary
September 2021   Bishop Boyea's Year of the Bible
September 2021   Sharing Scripture with Children
September 2021   An Exercise on Love
July August 2021   As Catholics, We are in Communion with One Another
July August 2021   Bishop Boyea's Year of the Bible
July August 2021   Pondering Scripture as a Family
June 2021   Seeking New Ways to Bring Christ to Others and to Bring Others to Christ
June 2021   The Participation of the Laity in the Prophetic Mission of Christ
June 2021   Using Scripture in Spiritual Warfare
May 2021   The Blessing of Parents
May 2021   Bishop’s Year of the Bible
April 2021   From death to life – Happy Easter!
April 2021   Bishop’s Year of the Bible
March 2021   In the End, Everything Belongs to God
January 2021   Evangelize by both words and deeds
December 2020   The enduring gift of the Eucharist
December 2020   Bishop Boyea's Year of the Bible
November 2020   Year of the Bible Begins Nov. 29
October 2020   The 8th Day
September 2020   Trust in the Afterlife to Which God Invites Us
July August 2020   Open wide our hearts
July August 2020   Welcome Home!
June 2020   Assist God in drawing the greatest good from these times
May 2020   During this Easter Season, and always, Jesus shows us true love
April 2020   The Light of Christ is still shining in our diocese
March 2020   St. Joseph is a model for parenting
January February 2020   Meeting with Pope Francis
December 2019   The Holy Trinity - the most important of our beliefs
December 2019   La Santísima Trinidad: La más importante de nuestras creencias
November 2019   We are strengthened and blessed by religious freedom
September 2019   A petition to support life
July August 2019   Eucharist – the source of forgiveness, healing and grace
June 2019   Upholding true marriage
May 2019   Discern God’s will in your life
April 2019   Ministering to our brothers and sisters
January February 2019   Who is truth? Jesus, the son of God
December 2018   The wounded and risen Lord is the key
November 2018   We Were Made For True Happiness; Let’s Help Others See That, Too
September 2018   Join Us Sept. 22 At The Breslin Center
July August 2018   Pray that more young men will hear God's call
June 2018   Every person is a gift
May 2018   A celebration of married love
April 2018   Ten years with Bishop Boyea
March 2018   Racism is a sin
January February 2018   We must welcome the stranger
December 2017   How can we become missionary disciples?
November 2017   Welcome Our Lost Sheep Home
October 2017   Why am I here?
July August 2017   Go forth where the spirit is leading
May 2017   Easter - the Heart of our Faith
May 2017   The Blessed Mother points us to Jesus
March 2017   We are never finished with mercy
January February 2017   Standing on two legs
December 2016   Jesus is Lord!
November 2016   We are all 'Called by Name' to share Jesus with others
October 2016   Be a "Faithful Citizen" this November
September 2016   Why bother with one lost sheep?
July August 2016   How Can We Help 'Announce the Gospel of the Lord'?
June 2016   Faith in Flint: It's more than water
May 2016   Mary, our mother, is the untier of knots
April 2016   You are called by name
March 2016   News I want to share with you
January February 2016   Catholic schools are our hope for the future
December 2015   Let us seek what is truly good for one another
November 2015   Prayer to open ourselves to true life
November 2015   Pope Francis: The Bridge-Builder
October 2015   Marriage, family and the Church
September 2015   Have you any doubt that this is an innocent human being?
July August 2015   Called by God to lives of service
June 2015   Called to mercy
May 2015   Our Continuing Commitment to Flint
April 2015   God’s Divine Mercy
March 2015   What is Humanae vitae really about?
January February 2015   Are you saved?
December 2014   A year for marriage
November 2014   Vote your conscience
October 2014   Lessons from the ‘Snowshoe Priest’ Bishop Baraga, first bishop of Marquette
September 2014   Bishops to meet on challenges facing the family
July August 2014   Our loss is their gain!
May 2014   In thanks for Women
April 2014   I always knew he was a saint!
March 2014   The Life of the Domestic Church
January February 2014   Make this year a stewardship year
November 2013   In the fight against abortion, our role is to offer mercy
September 2013   What is marriage and why is it important?
July August 2013   Why aren’t we listening to God’s call?
June 2013   The little-known Vatican II document on communication
May 2013   No Meat on Fridays all year long?
April 2013   Pope Francis, a shepherd with the heart of Christ
March 2013   What are indulgences?
January February 2013   How faith can be deeper after doubt
December 2012   God’s love is the greatest gift of Christmas
November 2012   Please go vote!
October 2012   Reflections on 10 years as a bishop
September 2012   What is your relationship to Jesus?
July August 2012   What is marriage?
June 2012   A year of faith, a year of prayer
May 2012   Bishop responds to urgent need in the Church
April 2012   In thanksgiving for those in consecrated life
April 2012   People of faith under attack
March 2012   My visit to Rome
January February 2012   "Love for Jesus and his Church must be the passion of our lives!"
December 2011   The greatest gift
October 2011   You have a right to be alive!
September 2011   Honoring workers
July August 2011   We are called to be the lifeblood of God in our world today
June 2011   A civilization of love - the Feast of the Sacred Heart
May 2011   God’s plan for marriage a reflection of his love
January February 2011   Why Catholic schools?
December 2010   Advent a celebration of death and life
October 2010   What are some of the different words we’ll be saying at Mass?
September 2010   Growing in zeal for the Lord
July August 2010   ‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me’
June 2010   Protecting our children
May 2010   The leadership role of the bishop
April 2010   Why do we kneel?
March 2010   Who is a good steward?
January February 2010   What makes a human being a person?
December 2009   We answer the call to evangelize
November 2009   Rich and poor. A vision for the future of the economy.
October 2009   “We believe” or “I believe” A look at the Nicene Creed
September 2009   In the world, or of it?
July August 2009   A new translation of the Mass – a call a renewed commitment to worship
June 2009   Encouraging spiritual perfection
May 2009   Catholic Schools: ‘a special atmosphere animated by the Gospel’
April 2009   Christ is risen, Alleluia!
March 2009   Welcome Home!
January February 2009   Happy New Year!
December 2008   The other vocation crisis - marriage
November 2008   I knew I wanted to be a priest in second grade
July August 2008   Pope Benedict XVI and Bishop Boyea celebrate the beginning of the Pauline Year.
June 2008    Bishop Boyea celebrates the Rite of Candidacy for two seminarians