October 2022

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  Abortion Survivor Kathy Says:
  Ten Tips (Plus One!) for Discussing Michigan’s Abortion Ballot Measure
  Pregnant Mom Linda:
  OB-GYN Dr. Monticello Says:
  Vote NO to Save Parental Rights
  Top Surgeon Dr. Patrick Lappert:
Culture   Embrace the Simplicity of St. Francis With Umbrian Lentil Soup
From the Editor   A Note From the Editor
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Dios siempre escucha nuestras oraciones
From the Bishop   Fight Like Heaven
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   God Always Listens to Our Prayers
In the Know With Father Joe   Dear Father Joe: I Need Help Explaining to My Family and Friends Why I Oppose the Upcoming Ballot Initiative.
Spiritual Fitness   Dar lo mejor de nosotros mismos a Dios
From the Editor-in-Chief   For Me, Abortion Isn’t a Political Discussion – It’s Profoundly Personal
Spiritual Fitness   Giving Our Best Selves to God
Take Action   What Can You Do to Stop Proposal 3 From Passing?
Corporal Works of Mercy   ¿Cómo pueden las familias practicar las obras de misericordia? - Dar de comer al hambriento
Feature   A 54-Day Novena for Justice and Life
Corporal Works of Mercy   How Can Families Practice the Works of Mercy? - Feed the Hungry
Around the Diocese   Things to Do - October 2022
Theology 101   Marcos
Beginner's Guide   A Beginner’s Guide to the 54-Day Rosary Novena
Theology 101   Saint Mark
Around the Diocese   Catholic Charities - October 2022
Word on Fire   Estrategias prácticas de evangelización
What You Need to Know   Understanding the Ballot Language
Word on Fire   Practical Strategies of Evangelization
Around the Diocese   Retreat Centers - October 2022
Saint of the Month   San Gerardo Mayela
Nine Falsehoods   Truth Will Make Us Free
Saint of the Month   St. Gerard Majella
Parenting   Cuando los niños ponen a prueba los límites de la crianza
Parenting   When Kids Test the Limits of Parenting
Marriage Matters   Él dice: Perdí mi trabajo y no he podido encontrar otro que me pague lo que creo que merezco
Marriage Matters   He says: I lost my job and have not been able to find another that pays me what I think I’m worth
Work Life   Confianza
Work Life   Trust
Culture   Abraza la sencillez de San Francisco con la sopa de lentejas de Umbría