October 2022

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  Ten Tips (Plus One!) for Discussing Michigan’s Abortion Ballot Measure
  Pregnant Mom Linda:
  OB-GYN Dr. Monticello Says:
  Vote NO to Save Parental Rights
  Top Surgeon Dr. Patrick Lappert:
  Abortion Survivor Kathy Says:
Feature   A 54-Day Novena for Justice and Life
Corporal Works of Mercy   How Can Families Practice the Works of Mercy? - Feed the Hungry
Around the Diocese   Things to Do - October 2022
Theology 101   Marcos
Beginner's Guide   A Beginner’s Guide to the 54-Day Rosary Novena
Theology 101   Saint Mark
Around the Diocese   Catholic Charities - October 2022
Word on Fire   Estrategias prácticas de evangelización
What You Need to Know   Understanding the Ballot Language
Word on Fire   Practical Strategies of Evangelization
Around the Diocese   Retreat Centers - October 2022
Saint of the Month   San Gerardo Mayela
Nine Falsehoods   Truth Will Make Us Free
Saint of the Month   St. Gerard Majella
Parenting   Cuando los niños ponen a prueba los límites de la crianza
Parenting   When Kids Test the Limits of Parenting
Marriage Matters   Él dice: Perdí mi trabajo y no he podido encontrar otro que me pague lo que creo que merezco
Marriage Matters   He says: I lost my job and have not been able to find another that pays me what I think I’m worth
Work Life   Confianza
Work Life   Trust
Culture   Abraza la sencillez de San Francisco con la sopa de lentejas de Umbría
Culture   Embrace the Simplicity of St. Francis With Umbrian Lentil Soup
From the Editor   A Note From the Editor
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Dios siempre escucha nuestras oraciones
From the Bishop   Fight Like Heaven
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   God Always Listens to Our Prayers
In the Know With Father Joe   Dear Father Joe: I Need Help Explaining to My Family and Friends Why I Oppose the Upcoming Ballot Initiative.
Spiritual Fitness   Dar lo mejor de nosotros mismos a Dios
From the Editor-in-Chief   For Me, Abortion Isn’t a Political Discussion – It’s Profoundly Personal
Spiritual Fitness   Giving Our Best Selves to God
Take Action   What Can You Do to Stop Proposal 3 From Passing?
Corporal Works of Mercy   ¿Cómo pueden las familias practicar las obras de misericordia? - Dar de comer al hambriento