What Can You Do to Stop Proposal 3 From Passing?
The constitutional amendment to completely and permanently deregulate abortion is bad for women and bad for our society. But what can we do to help ensure that it does not pass?
The constitutional amendment to completely and permanently deregulate abortion is bad for women and bad for our society. But what can we do to help ensure that it does not pass?
1. Pray
Prayer is our most powerful tool in times like these. The 54-day rosary novena has already started, but you can join now. Get daily reminders by texting FightLikeHeaven (one word) to 84576.
2. Fast
As Jesus taught, some things can only be overcome through prayer and fasting. If you’re able, consider fasting every Friday until election day.
3. Almsgiving
As St. Peter Chrysologus wrote, “Fasting is the soul of prayer, mercy is the life-blood of fasting. Let no one try to separate them; they cannot be separated. If you have only one of them or not all together, you have nothing.” St. Peter assures us that, “Prayer knocks at the door, fasting obtains, mercy receives.” Give to ministries that support women and children. Or give to the “Vote No” campaign.
4. Check your voter registration status and learn more about how to make sure you vote properly by visiting the Michigan Voter Information Center at mvic.sos.state.mi.us.
5.Encourage your relatives, friends, co-workers and fellow parishioners to register to vote and vote “no” on this proposal. Join a door knocking campaign to inform your neighbors.
6.Get Involved with the “Vote No” campaign. To volunteer, receive updates, and donate to ensure there are enough resources to defeat this dangerous amendment, visit the website for Citizens to Support MI Women & Children, the official campaign to defeat the anything goes abortion amendment: supportmiwomenand children.org/.
This amendment will affect the state of Michigan for generations. To defeat this, we’ll need everyone to chip in and do their part. Only together can we keep Michigan a safe place for moms and their babies. Visit supportmiwomenandchildren.org by scanning the QR code below.