A Note From the Editor
Immediately before this issue went to print, FAITH Magazine learned that Proposal 3, an extreme pro-abortion constitutional amendment, will be placed on the ballot in November’s election. We pray it will be rejected.
This magazine presents the views of the Bishop, as well as those of physicians, attorneys, abortion survivors, parents, and others for whom Proposal 3 is both real and personal. You’ll also find strategies you can use to deepen your knowledge of the ballot language and enrich your conversations about this issue.
It won’t be easy. But with prayer and understanding, we believe it is possible to defeat Proposal 3 and begin building a culture of life in Michigan.
As this year’s election season gets underway, we as Catholics will be asked to consider many points of view. It will be challenging for us to sift through the noise and come to decisions that can keep us comfortable in our relationships with one another and with God. These are important conversations, and we encourage you to engage in them honestly and prayerfully.
One more request: please don’t keep this edition of FAITH Magazine to yourself. Share it with the people you love, so they, too, can know the truth about Proposal 3. Visit our website and share our articles via social media, so that all may know the truth about the culture Christ has called us to build together.
You are in our prayers daily. We ask for your prayers in return.
I am, yours in Christ,
Stephanie Van Koevering
Editor of FAITH Magazine