September 2022

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  The Joyful Service of Religious Sisters Helps Us Encounter Jesus
  ‘What Amazes Me is God Still Wants to Use Me’
Special Report   Michigan Bishops’ Statement on Dobbs Decision
Spiritual Fitness   St. Michael, Defend Us
Spiritual Fitness   San Miguel, defiéndenos
Local News   Annual Conference Focuses on Child and Youth Protection
Corporal Works of Mercy   How Can Families Practice the Works of Mercy? - Clothe the Naked
Corporal Works of Mercy   ¿Cómo pueden las familias practicar las obras de misericordia? - Vestir al desnudo
Local News   Fowler Knights Raise $16,000 in ‘Returns’ for Vocations Collection
In the Know With Father Joe   Dear Father Joe: Why are the Catholic commandments and the words after the Lord’s Prayer different from the Protestants?
In the Know With Father Joe   Estimado padre Joe: ¿Por qué los mandamientos católicos y las palabras después del Padrenuestro son diferentes a las de los protestantes?
Local News   New Diocesan Director of Parish Youth Discipleship
Saint of the Month   St. Andrew Kim Taegon
Saint of the Month   San Andrés Kim Taegon
News    Adrian Dominican Sisters Elect Leadership, Set Direction for the Future
Theology 101   Matthew
From the Bishop   In Reciting the Creed, We Say ‘I Believe’
Parenting   Getting Too Much Parenting Advice?
News   Deacon Pat Mcdonald Celebrates 50 Years as Deacon
Parenting   ¿Está recibiendo demasiados consejos para padres?
Marriage Matters   She says: He wants to invest in cryptocurrency, but I feel it’s too risky
Local News   Practicing the Works Of Mercy in the Diocese Of Lansing
Marriage Matters   Ella dice: Quiere invertir en criptomonedas, pero creo que es demasiado arriesgado
Cover Story   Sister Marie Paul Serves the Underserved
Work Life   My Coworkers Are So Distracting
News   Our Lady of Fatima Celebrates 10th Anniversary of New Church
Work Life   Mis compañeros de trabajo son una gran distracción
Cover Story   Sister Mary Rafqa Boulos, RSM
Faith and Investment   Smart Ways to Invest Your ‘Talents’
Faith and Investment   Formas inteligentes de invertir sus ‘talentos’
Cover Story   Sister Mary Nika Schaumber, RSM
Culture   Giving Thanks for the Grape Harvest
Culture   Dando gracias por la vendimia
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   The Church Can Help With the Hard Work of Forgiveness
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   La Iglesia puede ayudar en el duro trabajo del perdón