June 2022

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  Knights of Columbus 788 Grows at St. Gerard
  Sister Mary Catharina Bereiter, OP Celebrates 100th Birthday
  Holy Week 2022
GO Evangelize   Joanne Brings the Scriptures to Parishioners
Work Life   We’re All Working in “Silos”
Spiritual Fitness   Reflexionando
Cover Story   ‘Finding a Place to Thrive While Doing God’s Will’
Good Life   I Just Graduated!
Parenting   Más consejos para crear hogares católicos sólidos
Cover Story   ‘The Role of the Deacon’s Wife Is as Unique as the Women Who Fill That Role’
Culture   Celebrate John the Baptist’s Feast With Honey Chicken
Marriage Matters   Él dice: No quiero que su hermano cuide a nuestros hijos
Feature Stories   New Club at Lansing Catholic
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Spend Time in Eucharistic Adoration
Saint of the Month   San Juan Bautista
Around the Diocese   Things to Do
Spiritual Fitness   Pondering
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Pasar tiempo en adoración eucarística
Bishop Barron   Providence and Vocation in ‘Father Stu’
Good Life   ¡Me acabo de graduar!
Saint of the Month   St. John the Baptist
Culture   Celebra la fiesta de Juan Bautista Con pollo a la miel
Theology 101   Luke
Bishop Barron   Providencia y vocación en la película “Father Stu”
Special Report   The Feasts of Summer
From the Bishop   Encounter Christ Through the Holy Words of the Mass
Parenting   More Tips for Creating Strong Catholic Homes
Work Life   Todos estamos trabajando en "silos"
Faith and Family at Home   Growing in Faith Together on Pentecost
Marriage Matters   He Says: I Don’t Want Her Brother to Babysit
Theology 101   Lucas