Joanne Brings the Scriptures to Parishioners
JoAnne Prewitt is in her seventh year as Bible Study facilitator at St. Augustine Parish in Howell. She credits the support of the Holy Spirit and her husband, Neil, for providing both the will and the strength to follow this path.
JoAnne Prewitt is in her seventh year as Bible Study facilitator at St. Augustine Parish in Howell. She credits the support of the Holy Spirit and her husband, Neil, for providing both the will and the strength to follow this path.
My first motivator has always been the priest or the pastoral associate who has granted me permission to set up a Bible Study program in the parish. But I receive the most rewarding and joyful motivation from the excited attendee who says: “I never knew that was in the Bible,” or “I never understood what those words meant in the Bible before.” And as an extra blessing for me, I am always pleased and hopeful when they return for another session.
Studying God’s story about his relationship with his people has truly made me more aware of his presence and impact on my personal life and on this earthly realm we live in. I have learned that he alone is our Love, our Guide and our Aim.
Lessons learned
I learned from the very beginning that a strong need exists in our Catholic people for a time and place to sit in comfort and read, study and discuss our Bible. It still amazes me that so many of our brothers and sisters have heard the readings at Mass, yet never actually understood the Word in its full context. And finally, I wish all to know that it is never too late in life to join a Bible Study session – my most enthusiastic participants are in the 90+ age group!