Dave and the Parish Team Care for God’s Creation
Dave Smith, the recycling coordinator at the MSU Surplus Store & Recycling Center, is a member of St. Michael Parish in Grand Ledge and an inaugural member of its Earth Care Team. The team organizes projects designed to help the parish care for the earth.
Dave Smith, the recycling coordinator at the MSU Surplus Store & Recycling Center, is a member of St. Michael Parish in Grand Ledge and an inaugural member of its Earth Care Team. The team organizes projects designed to help the parish care for the earth.
The teaching of Laudato si' allowed me to connect my scientific background and passion for environmental stewardship to the Catholic faith. This has motivated me to raise awareness within my parish that care for God's creation is one of the seven themes of Catholic social teaching. It has also motivated me to take action to assist the parish in becoming more environmentally sustainable and to provide information and services to our parishioners so that they, too, can take steps to care for the earth.
Laudato si’ challenges us to ask ourselves: How should we be living in this world and how should we leave it for our children? It calls us to examine our conscience and reflect on not just how we live with God and others, but also with the natural environment.
Volunteering allows me to take the inspiration and information from the ministry and put it into action and create positive change. Our team has helped implement numerous energy efficiency programs and recycling services within the parish. This action has allowed my faith to grow and be the steward that God calls us to be.