Marie Co-Chairs Grief Support Group
Marie Kuntz, originally from Chicago, is a lifelong Catholic and has been a member of St. Gerard Parish in Lansing for 17 years. She first attended the Grief Support Group at St. Gerard in 2016. Three years later, she was asked to co-chair the sessions. Her family background is Croatian, and she was fortunate to be able to visit her native country three years ago and see where her mother, grandmother and aunts came from.
Marie Kuntz, originally from Chicago, is a lifelong Catholic and has been a member of St. Gerard Parish in Lansing for 17 years. She first attended the Grief Support Group at St. Gerard in 2016. Three years later, she was asked to co-chair the sessions. Her family background is Croatian, and she was fortunate to be able to visit her native country three years ago and see where her mother, grandmother and aunts came from.
When my husband of 30 years passed away in 2016, I looked for some support with my grief and found that St. Gerard offered a six-week grief support program. I found this so helpful. It was once a week, for six weeks. The information, prayers and booklets were so comforting that I knew I wasn’t alone in my grief.
I feel so involved with this ministry because I know as it has helped me, I can help others. I realize grief support groups are possibly not for everyone, but when I read the evaluations at the end of each session, I know I am blessed to be part of the healing process.
As the participants (spouses, children, siblings, parents or friends) tell their stories, I can see God’s handiwork at each session. I’m happy to say, as we gather together, we form a small Christian community.