May 2021

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  The Holy Spirit Moves Us From Fear to Love and Action
  “I Was Hungry and You Gave Me Something to Eat”
  U.S. Bishops Highlight Need for Racial Healing and Reconciliation
  Consecrate Yourself to Jesus Through Mary
  Sharing in the Priesthood of Christ
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Hacer fructífera tu oración de intercesión
Special Report   Special Report – Pope Francis Visits Iraq to Promote Peace, Build Fraternity
GO Evangelize   After Launching a Food Pantry, Gwendolyn Enjoys ‘Helping People in a Meaningful Way’
News   Father Kapaun's Remains to Return to Kansas, Family Says
Catholic Charities   Building a New Life in the U.S.
Work Life   ¿Tengo que trabajar en red?
  Medical Director Sends 2020 Yearly Report for Medical Clinics
In the Know With Father Joe   Dear Father Joe: Should I give to our local diocesan appeal? If so, why?
Local News   In Memoriam
  Memories of the Seminary, Civil Rights, and a “Contemplative Prophet”
Culture   Un recuerdo de nuestra Santísima Madre por el mes de mayo
Your Stories   At Home in His Love: A College Student Reflects on Her SEEK21 Experience
Saint of the Month   St. Ursula Ledóchowska
Local News   In Memoriam Sister Ellen Shannon, OP
Your Stories   Dance Classes Help Those with Special Needs Cope with the Pandemic
Good Life   Mantener positiva su presencia en línea
Your Stories   “I admire my father”
Local News   Obituary Dorothy Marie Byrne, SP
Your Stories   Spring Ahead with Gratitude
In the Know With Father Joe   ESTIMADO PADRE JOE: ¿Debo donar a nuestra campaña diocesana local? Si es así, ¿por qué?
From the Bishop   The Blessing of Parents
Your Stories   Admiro a Mi Padre
Special Report   Deborah sees her work at the Tribunal as ‘a healing ministry’
Your Stories   What Does the Power of the Holy Spirit Mean?
Marriage Matters   Ella dice: Quiero volver a la escuela para hacer una maestría
From the Editor   Parish communities are called to nourish people
Your Stories   SEEK 21 Experience
Catholic Charities   Driven to Succeed – Scott Works with Catholic Charities to Turn His Life Around
Local News   Joliet Catholic Academy Students Help Bring Beauty to Foster Kids by Decorating Duffel Bags
Saint of the Month   Santa Úrsula Ledóchowska
Work Life   Do I Have to Network?
Local News   Robotics Helps Put the “C” in St. Thomas More’s C+STEM Program
From the Bishop   Bishop’s Year of the Bible
Local News   Diocese of Joliet Partners with Franciscan University to Offer Training in Spiritual Direction
Theology 101   ¿Quiénes eran los zelotes?
Marriage Matters   SHE SAYS: I want to go back to school for a master’s degree
Your Stories   An Unforgettable Experience: Becoming a Permanent Deacon
Good Life   Keeping Your Online Presence Positive
Catholic Schools   Montini Catholic Student Receives the Johnny Weiger “Spirit of 76” Award
Local News   Diocese of Joliet Priest Assignments 2021 - 2022
Culture   Rosemary Spritzer
Your Faith   The TLC of Roses at IHRC
Spiritual Fitness   Mary, Our Model for Grace-Filled Motherhood
Parenting   Crianza 101 - Cómo ser consistente y amoroso
Local News   Diocesan Scouting Group Celebrates Day of Recollection
Theology 101   Who Were the Zealots?
Your Faith   Good News Brightens Ordinary Time
From the Bishop   El Espíritu Santo nos mueve del miedo al amor y a la acción
Your Faith   María, nuestro modelo de maternidad llena de gracia
Your Life   The Physical and Emotional Benefits of a Spiritual Community for Seniors
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Making Your Intercessory Prayer Fruitful
News   Vatican Official: Pope to Advance Sainthood Cause of EU 'Founding Father'