In Memoriam Sister Ellen Shannon, OP
SINSINAWA, Wis.— Natural burial took place April 19 in the Motherhouse Cemetery. The funeral Mass was held at the motherhouse, Sinsinawa, April 24.
Sister Ellen made her first religious profession as a Sinsinawa Dominican Aug. 5, 1944, and her perpetual profession Aug. 5, 1947. She taught for 26 years and was principal for 20 years. Sister Ellen served as pastoral minister for eight years, convent prioress for three years, and convent business officer for six years. She recorded oral histories for five years. Sister Ellen freely shared the joy and peace of God with all she met. She was patient and kind. Sister Ellen served in Illinois, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Minnesota, Montana and Washington.
In the Diocese of Spokane, Sister Ellen served as prioress at Dominican Center Convent , Spokane, 1994-1997, and also recorded oral histories.
Sister Ellen was born March 15, 1924, in Oconomowoc, Wis., the daughter of Aloysius and Lucia (Lane) Shannon. Her parents; a sister, Sister Kathryn Shannon, MM; and a brother, the Rev. David Shannon, CSSR, preceded her in death. She is survived by cousins and her Dominican Sisters with whom she shared life for 76 years.
Memorials may be made to the Sinsinawa Dominicans, 585 County Road Z, Sinsinawa, WI, 53824-9701 or online at www.sinsinawa.org/donate.
Repeat broadcasts of the wake and funeral for Sister Ellen are available online at www.Sinsinawa.org/live. Click on the “on demand” tab.