Diocesan Scouting Group Celebrates Day of Recollection
With masks, social distancing, temperature checks and a very sanitary environment, the Joliet Diocese Catholic Committee on Scouting (JDCCS) was able to hold our 2021 Day of Recollection in person in late February 2021 at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church in Darien. Our theme was “Helping Others” and being Jesus' presence in the world.
Nearly 50 adults, volunteers, and scouts attended for a day of presentations and prayer. Father Stephen Borello, the diocesan director of vocations, and Father Josh Miller, from St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Bensenville, were the presenters for the day and spoke to the older scouts and answered questions about how to bring the light of Christ’s love into their lives.
Meanwhile, JDCCS Committee Chairman Bill Doody and his wife, Donna, gave a presentation and led discussions with the younger scouts on the same theme.
After the presentations, Father Borello said Mass, followed by boards of review for the scouts who had completed requirements for religious recognition. Twelve scouts from Boy Scouts of America and one Girl Scout received their recognitions among candidates for the Ad Altare Dei, Pope Pius XII and Marian medals.
The committee wants to thank everyone who participated and helped plan the event, including Christine Caragher, Rosemarie Courtney and Stan Potempa, along with those who helped on the day of event which included Karen Dix, Bill Mamosser, and Laurette Symik Solak. Special thanks to Tom Courtney for creating the totems decorated with a lasered Christian fish symbol and Our Lady of Peace Church for generously donating use of the church for the day.
The Day of Recollection is one of the events planned by the JDCCS especially for scouts throughout the year. To learn more about JDCCS, join the private Facebook group at JDCCS-Joliet Diocese Catholic Committee on Scouting or visit the website at dioceseofjoliet.org/scouting.com.