July August 2022

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  U.S. Bishops Launch Eucharistic Revival
  Michigan Catholic Conference Joins Statewide Campaign to Oppose Constitutional Proposal for Unlimited Abortion
  Mini-Grants for Promoting Catholic Social Teaching to Be Awarded by Diocese
  Lansing Catholic Students Serve Community in Annual Work-A-Thon
  May Crowning at St. Mary School in Charlotte
  Clergy Assignments
Work Life   Make a Fresh Start at Work Without Changing Jobs
Parenting   Mantener a Cristo en el centro de una semana ocupada
Culture   St. Dominic’s Orange Tree Sowed the Seeds of Faith
Saint of the Month   Santa Juana Francisca Frémyot de Chantal
In the Know With Father Joe   Dear Father Joe: Why Did Jesus Ascend to Heaven?
Spiritual Fitness   ¿Cómo crezco en la fe?
Saint of the Month   St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Theology 101   Juan
Theology 101   John
Work Life   Empezar de nuevo en el trabajo sin cambiar de empleo
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Witnessing to Loved Ones
From the Bishop   Why Do We Have a Homily at Mass?
Spiritual Fitness   How Do I Grow in Faith?
GO Evangelize   Marie Co-Chairs Grief Support Group
Culture   El naranjo de Santo Domingo Sembró las semillas de la fe
Cover Story   Ordination 2022
In the Know With Father Joe   Estimado padre Joe: ¿Por qué Jesús ascendió al cielo?
FAITH Interview   25 Years as a Priest
Parenting   Keeping Christ at the Center of a Busy Week
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Dar testimonio de los seres queridos
From the MCC   Beyond the Voting Booth
Marriage Matters   She says: I thought he would stop playing video games after we got married
Marriage Matters   Ella dice: Pensé que dejaría de jugar videojuegos después de que nos casáramos