July August 2021

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  Christ’s Role as Servant King
  ‘I Love That My Life Is for Me to Contemplate the Face of Jesus in My Brothers and Sisters’
Special Report   The Word From Lansing: So-called ‘equality Act’ Threatens Society and Religious Communities
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   ¡Responda a la invitación de Dios!
Culture   A Simple Reward for a Good Man
Local News   St. Michael Parish in Flint Closes After More Than 170 Years
Marriage Matters   Él dice: Hagamos la escuela en línea de nuevo.
Theology 101   Who Was Pontius Pilate?
Vatican   Catholic Grandparent Ministry at St. Patrick in Brighton
Diocesan News   Ordination 2021
Parenting   Dejen los dispositivos: reinicio de verano
The Church in the World   Pope’s Prayer Intentions
Diocesan News   Ordenación 2021
Parenting   Put Down the Devices
Saint of the Month   San Ignacio de Loyola: Fundador de la Compañía de Jesús
From the Bishop   As Catholics, We are in Communion with One Another
From the Bishop   Bishop Boyea's Year of the Bible
Marriage Matters   HE SAYS: Let’s do online school again
Spiritual Fitness   El milagro de la transfiguración
From the Editor   Celebrating Fathers – Both Biological and Spiritual
From the Bishop   Pondering Scripture as a Family
Good Life   Pray for Prudence in a Hot Housing Market
Theology 101   ¿Quién fue Poncio Pilato?
Feature   Krista Starts Owosso Catholics in Action
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Respond to God’s Invitation!
Work Life   Me siento frustrado por un colega que le hace malos comentarios sobre mí a nuestra jefa.
The Church in the World   Intenciones de oración del Papa
Work Life   I’m Frustrated by a Colleague Who Makes Offhanded Comments to Our Boss That Reflect Badly on Me
Feature   Para Sor María Antonia, Su Trabajo Con Los Migrantes Es “contemplar El Rostro De Jesús en Los Rostros De Mis Hermanos Y Hermanas”.
Culture   Una simple recompensa para un buen hombre: El "milagro" del helado
Spiritual Fitness   The Miracle of the Transfiguration
Special Report   What Is Realign Resources for Mission? A Beginner’s Guide
In the Know With Father Joe   EN EL SABER CON EL PADRE JOE
In the Know With Father Joe   Dear Father Joe, I have friends who don’t seem to be interested in returning to church since the quarantine ended. How do I convince them to come back?
Special Report   An Update From the Chairman
Good Life   Ore por prudencia en un mercado inmobiliario loco
Saint of the Month   St. Ignatius of Loyola