Catholic Grandparent Ministry at St. Patrick in Brighton
Pope Francis has declared Sunday, July 25, 2021, to be the first-ever World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. The day will be observed every year on the fourth Sunday of July. Pope Francis has chosen “I Am With You Always” (Mt 20:28) as the theme. To quote the Holy See, “Grandparents have a mission of evangelization, proclamation and prayer, and of encouraging young people in their faith.”
The first Catholic Grandparent Ministry in Michigan was started at St. Patrick Church, Brighton, in October of 2019. The meetings are held the second Monday of every month. Intentions for grandchildren are collected in a basket at the beginning of the meeting, to be placed at the Blessed Mother’s feet in the chapel, where a Rosary is said with meditations specific to grandparenting. The Prayer for Grandparents composed by Pope Benedict XVI begins the meeting and a Prayer for Grandchildren closes it. Participants pray for their grandchildren and each other, share joys and concerns, offer suggestions and support – these are the fruits of the Grandparent Ministry.
For more information on starting a Grandparent Ministry in your parish, email Judith.trudeau@gmail.com.
St. Joachim and St. Anne (parents of Mary and grandparents of Jesus), pray for us!