December 2019

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  After escaping from terror in Africa, Balthazar says ‘Life is easy if you put it in God’s hands'
  As a spiritual director, Louise’s wish is ‘for other people to know the Lord'
  Oración por los Inmigrantes y Refugiados
  Prayer for Migrants and Refugees
  People of the Spokane Diocese welcome Lourdes Tzoc, radio station director
From the Bishop   La Santísima Trinidad: La más importante de nuestras creencias
  Grieving the Loss of a Pregnancy
Local News   CCEW Christmas Collection
GO Evangelize   Chuck Offers His Time and Talent to the St. Joseph Guild
Ask Father Mike   How can ‘curiosity’ be a bad thing?
Local News   Pope Francis appoints new bishop for Helena
Special Report   Michigan Catholic Conference welcomes proposed federal rule change to protect faith-based child placement agencies
Stewardship   Priest’s Kindness Inspires Endowment
Marriage Matters   ÉL DICE: Está obsesionada con su salud y su dieta
Last Word   Mass Appeal Part II
  Historical clarity and today’s Catholic contentions
Parenting   Help Children Grow in the Virtue of Honesty
Cover Story   For Rocio, 'God gives opportunities every day to see his face in others’
Feature   Las Posadas
Theology 101   An Advent Carol
Feature   Rorate Coeli
Work Life   5 Tips for Working at Home Productively
Cover Story   Nativity Fair
Marriage Matters   He says: She’s become obsessed with her health and diet
Special Report   Acogiendo al forastero entre nosotros - Conferencia sobre el cuidado pastoral de inmigrantes
Local News   Vocations Come From Families
In the Know With Father Joe   Father Joe’s Mailbag
  Los Hermanos Separados sobre la Virgen María
Local News   Two Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Church, Celebrate Golden Jubilee
From the Bishop   The Holy Trinity - the most important of our beliefs
From the Bishop   Living Traditions