January 2021

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  Bishop Boyea's Year of the Bible
  Bishop Mengeling Celebrates 90th Birthday and 25th Anniversary as Bishop
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Encounter the Lord in Prayer
From the Editor   Thankful for adoption
Catholic Schools   Teaching STEM Challenges Amidst Covid Challenges
GO Evangelize   Amy Meets Teens ‘Where They Are’ in Their Walk with Jesus
Parenting   Sibling Rivalry? How to Keep a Balance
  Thoughts on a Pro-life Picket Line
In the Know With Father Joe   Dear Fr. Joe: Is Everyone a Racist?
Marriage Matters   SHE SAYS: Do we have to talk about work when we spend all day “in the office” together?
News   Pope Francis to Mark Fifth Anniversary of Amoris Laetitia With Year Dedicated to Family
Catholic Schools   Joliet Catholic Schools Annual Report 2019-2020
Cover Story   ‘We Thank God Every Day For Bringing Him To Us’
Consecrated Life   Spotlight on Consecrated Life and Jubilarians for Religious and Priests, Brothers and Sisters
News   El Papa Francisco convoca el Año de la Familia en simultáneo con Año de San José
Local News   Teenager Helps the Homeless Through Her Confirmation Project
Feature Stories   ‘We Wouldn’t Have it Any Other Way’
Culture   When Making Do Makes Something Great
News   Pope Francis Proclaims Year of St. Joseph
Local News   Providence Catholic Music Students Selected to ILMEA District 1 Music Festival
  From the Director's Desk
News   Vatican's Liturgy Congregation Stresses Importance of Sunday of the Word
  Spiritual Guidance Helps Awaken Us to the Presence of God 
  ‘Creative Courage’ for the New Year
News   Pope Francis: Be a Witness to Christ in Your Ordinary Life
Catholic Charities   Spotlight on Two of Daybreak Center’s Awesome Volunteers
News   El Papa convoca un Año de San José: Así se puede obtener la indulgencia plenaria 
Local News   Prepares Flourishes In Small Towns
Good Life   It’s So Hard to Meet People Right Now
From the Bishop   An Opportunity to Begin Anew
News   Navidad 2020: Papa Francisco pide vacunas para todos
Local News   Papal Honors Bestowed During Solemn Evening Prayer
Saint of the Month   St. Peter Damian
From the Bishop   Una oportunidad para comenzar de nuevo
News   El Papa publica una Carta Apostólica para crecer en el amor por San José 
Local News   In Memoriam
Work Life   I’m Feeling Overworked and Underappreciated
From the Bishop   Evangelize by both words and deeds
News   El Papa convoca un Año de San José: Así se puede obtener la indulgencia plenaria 
  Pauline and Craig Soehren Represent Their Parish on Guatemala Commission