It’s So Hard to Meet People Right Now
With the pandemic and its restrictions lasting much longer than anticipated, your social life may feel nonexistent. How do you meet new people, much less date, when there are limits on who you can see and when and where you can meet? Here are a few ideas.
Utilize online dating apps.
CatholicMatch.com is a good place to meet those who share your faith – isn’t that a great starting point? Talking intentionally online can move to phone calls and texts before meeting in person. What an incredible opportunity to slow down and pray about God’s will.
Join or start a group at your church which holds virtual gatherings to get to know one another.
Once expectations about safety protocols for meeting in person are explained (responsible physical distance, preferably outside, etc.), start meeting for prayer, book discussions or a meal out.
Consider taking this time to work on your relationship with Christ, our Blessed Mother and the saints.
The pandemic will end. The world will move on. When will you have such an opportunity to focus on strengthening your prayer life with so few distractions? Read books and watch movies about the saints our holy Catholic Church has gifted us. Those are incredible people you can meet anytime, anywhere.
The Rule of St. Benedict fits very well here: Find balance in the midst of uncertainty. St. Benedict, pray for us!
Credit: Getty Images/Useng | Getty Images/ Ali Kahfi