Amy Meets Teens ‘Where They Are’ in Their Walk with Jesus
Amy Miller wears two hats at St. Anthony’s Parish in Hillsdale, working as director of both religious education and youth ministry. She welcomes the opportunities for evangelization that present themselves in her work with teens.
Witness: I never envisioned that I would be a youth minister. If you would have asked me 10 years ago, I wouldn't have believed it. I believe in the saying, God equips the called, he doesn't call the equipped. I was someone who loved Jesus, but would not have seen myself teaching anyone, especially teenagers. Through my work with the teens I have come to love them, and love the witness they provide to me as much as I hope to provide for them.
Prayer: I’m famous for putting my hands up and saying, “Okay, if you want this done, I need a little help!” – this fundraiser, this mission trip, this whatever it is. Father Dave [Reamsnyder] is a fan of the short prayer: “Come Lord Jesus! Help me now!” – I’m a fan, too.
Invitation: Our group does a lot of mission work in the community. When the kids go out and serve, they see Jesus in the people they serve and they are Jesus to them as well. They are all deeply moved by these encounters; they are more open, more loving and more committed afterwards.
Accompaniment: When it comes to teens, it’s important to meet them where they are in their walk with Jesus. Some are not thrilled to be here (at youth group) and that’s OK, we meet them where they are and pray that the Lord would open their hearts, and believe the Holy Spirit will do the rest.