May 2022

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  Annual Rose Mass Honors Catholic Health Workers
  Parish Leader Formation Program for Hispanic Young Adults
  Living Our Faith Daily Leads to Joy and Holiness
  Davison Knights of Columbus Present Check to Office of Vocations
  Bishop Boyea Joins Pope Francis in Consecrating Ukraine and Russia to Blessed Mother
  Heidi Gonzales Appointed Moderator of the Tribunal Chancery
Saint of the Month   St. Isidore the Farmer
Spiritual Fitness   Persistencia y Perseverancia
Theology 101   Barabbas
From the Bishop   We Are Never Alone at Mass
Work Life   Superar los nervios del primer día
Parenting   Creating Strong Catholic Homes
Theology 101   Barrabás
Cover Story   After Ann’s Move to a Catholic School Attending Mass With the Students ‘Fills Me With Joy’
Marriage Matters   She Says: I Want to Travel Now That We’re Retired
Faith and Finance   Inversión bíblicamente responsable
Feature Stories   Catholic Charities Volunteer Drivers Help Seniors Stay Independent
Work Life   Overcoming First-Day Jitters
Culture   Arándanos y Perlas
Feature Stories   Department of Catechesis Helps Religious Education Directors Bring Faith Into the Home
Faith and Finance   Biblically Responsible Investing
In the Know With Father Joe   Estimado padre Joe, A veces nuestra fe parece tan complicada
Special Report   Welcoming People With Special Needs
Culture   Blueberries and Beads
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Catecismo Parte IV
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Catechism Part IV
Marriage Matters   Ella dice: Quiero viajar ahora que estamos jubilados
Spiritual Fitness   Persistence and Perseverance
Parenting   Creando hogares católicos fuertes
In the Know With Father Joe   Dear Father Joe, Sometimes Our Faith Seems So Complicated
Saint of the Month   San Isidro Labrador