Spiritual Fitness

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  Celebra el poder de la cruz
January 2023   Giving Ourselves to Christ Through Consecration
January 2023   Entregarnos a Cristo a través de la consagración
December 2022   Let the Scriptures of Advent Light Your Way
December 2022   Deja que las Escrituras de Adviento iluminen tu camino
November 2022   In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
November 2022   ‘En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo…’
October 2022   Giving Our Best Selves to God
October 2022   Dar lo mejor de nosotros mismos a Dios
September 2022   St. Michael, Defend Us
September 2022   San Miguel, defiéndenos
July August 2022   ¿Cómo crezco en la fe?
July August 2022   How Do I Grow in Faith?
June 2022   Pondering
June 2022   Reflexionando
May 2022   Persistence and Perseverance
May 2022   Persistencia y Perseverancia
April 2022   Preparation and Planning
April 2022   Preparación y planificación
March 2022   Presence
March 2022   Presencia
January February 2022   Pasión y persecución
January February 2022   Passion and Pursuit
November 2021   Invite God to Be With You on Your Caregiving Journey
November 2021   Invite a Dios a que lo acompañe en su jornada como cuidador
October 2021   Caring for Another?
October 2021   ¿Cuidando a otro?
September 2021   Bearing Loss Together – With Christ and in Community
September 2021   Soportando la Pérdida Juntos – Con Cristo y en Comunidad
July August 2021   The Miracle of the Transfiguration
July August 2021   El milagro de la transfiguración
June 2021   La esperanza cristiana es nuestro fundamento
June 2021   Christian Hope is Our Foundation
May 2021   Mary, Our Model for Grace-Filled Motherhood
April 2021   Finding Joy on Easter Monday
October 2017   Lectio Divina - Praying Through the Year With Scripture
September 2017   Lectio Divina - Praying Through the Year With Scripture
July August 2017   Lectio Divina - Praying Through the Year With Scripture
June 2017   Lectio Divina - Praying Through the Year With Scripture
May 2017   Lectio Divina - Praying Through the Year With Scripture
April 2017   Lectio Divina - Praying Through the Year With Scripture
March 2017   Lectio Divina - Praying Through the Year With Scripture
January February 2017   Lectio Divina – Praying Through the Year With Scripture
November 2016   Keeping God in Your Life During a Hectic Day
October 2016   Can There Be a ‘Dark Night’ in Our Relationship With God?
September 2016   Walk Through the Holy Door of God's Grace
July August 2016   Praying Together in Jesus’ Name
June 2016   Allow God’s Mercy to Come Into Your Life
May 2016   Comfort the Sorrowful
April 2016   Easter Grace Continues
March 2016   The Power of Praying for Others
January February 2016   The Power of Prayer
October 2015   Do You Have 15 Minutes Every Day? Give It to God
September 2015   Celebrate the Power of the Cross
July August 2015   Make Time for an at Home Retreat
June 2015   Prepare to Receive the Eucharist: ‘A Taste of Eternity in Time’
April 2015   Experience the Real Presence of Jesus During Adoration
April 2015   Draw Closer to the Blessed Mother This May
January February 2015   4 Steps to 'Getting Something' Out of Mass
November 2014   Seek Reconciliation Even When It’s Their Fault
October 2014   How to Be Truthful in Your Personal Prayer
September 2014   6 Ways to Steal Some Time for God
July August 2014   Take Time to Discern God’s Will
June 2014   Freely Offer Forgiveness
May 2014   Ask Jesus to Increase Your Faith
April 2014   Find Time to Reach Out to Others
March 2014   A Different Approach to Lent
January February 2014   How Do You Live Like You’re a Temple of God?
November 2013   How Can You Really Give Thanks at Thanksgiving?
September 2013   How Your Life Can Be Transformed Through the Eucharist
July August 2013   How to Find a Moment of Silence in Your Hectic Life
June 2013   Prayers of Perseverance and Partnership – The Novena
May 2013   How to Pray to the Holy Spirit
April 2013   Lent is Over, Here’s How to Focus on Easter
November 2012   Prayers for the Dead
October 2012   Praying the Rosary
September 2012   A Daily Prayer of Thanksgiving the Angelus
July August 2012   As We Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Diocese of Lansing...
June 2012   How Do We Have Hope?
May 2012   Let the Holy Spirit Radically Change Your Life
April 2012   Mercy Abides in All Times of Strife
March 2012   How to Choose God's Way
January February 2012   Why We All Need Mercy
October 2011   Too 'Connected' to Connect?
September 2011   Is God Telling You 'Enough!?'
July August 2011   Forget Not Love
June 2011   Divine Mercy How to Accept God’s Forgiveness
May 2011   How Can We Be More Like Mary?
April 2011   The Touch of the Master’s Hand
March 2011   Don't Let Your Emotions Rule You
January February 2011   Why Should You Forgive?
November 2010   If You Want to Be Great You Must Be a Servant
October 2010   Praying With the Saints of Autumn
June 2010   Celebrating the Feasts of Summer
April 2010   Do You Have the Faith of Mary Magdalen? Or Doubting Thomas?
March 2010   4 Steps to a Humble Heart
January February 2010   Where There is Love, Nothing Else Matters
November 2009   New Year in November? Making Christ the King of Your Life
October 2009   Whoever Wants to Be Great Must Be a Servant
September 2009   How to Calm the Storms in Your Life
July August 2009   “Do Not Be Afraid”
May 2009   Who Are We – in Christ?
April 2009   Talking Back to the Devil
March 2009   Close to Christ?
January February 2009   The Road to Hope
January February 2009   15 Minutes a Day – How Do I Make Scripture Part of My Everyday Life?
September 2008   Oh, No! I Gotta Go!
June 2008   Freedom in Forgiveness
March 2008   How to Pray Like a Monk
December 2007   The Battle for Peace
November 2007   How to Handle Road Rage
October 2007   Be Kind to Witches?
September 2007   What Am I Going to Do With My Life?
June 2007   Let the River of Generosity Run Through You
May 2007   Chastity
April 2007   “You Make Me Want to Shout!”
March 2007   Penance
January February 2007   Is God Punishing Me?
November 2006   The Death of Grief
October 2006   Anxious and Afraid?
September 2006   In a Chat Room With God
July August 2006   “Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me"
June 2006   Heads I Go North, Tails I Go South
May 2006   Closing the Door of Ignorance
April 2006   Freedom in Forgiveness
March 2006   White Martyrdom
January February 2006   Franciscan Spirituality - To Become the Good News of Jesus Christ
December 2005   As an Adult Catholic Do I Need a Conversion?
November 2005   Being Peeled to Be Healed
October 2005   Are You Fighting the Good Fight?
September 2005   Sex or Love?
July August 2005   Life’s Ordinary Miracles
June 2005   Eucharistic Spirituality
April 2005   Does Prayer Really Work?
October 2004   How to Give God the Best – Not the Leftovers
September 2004   What Video Games and the Mass Have in Common
July August 2004   Spiritual Progress Through Purity
June 2004   Ridding Our Hearts of Revenge
May 2004   Praying for Others: Why Do We Do It? How Do We Do It?
April 2004   Back to Spiritual Basics
March 2004   Reverence in Prayer the Cross and the Name of God
January February 2004   Be Honest: Do You Live Life Realizing That You Need God?
November 2003   How to Overcome Anxiety
July August 2003   How to Win the Battle Against Sexual Sin and Addiction
June 2003   Why Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy Now?
May 2003   Gift of Peace: The Gift of Shalom!
April 2003   How Can an All-Powerful God Be Humble?
March 2003   What Can We Learn About Coping With Sorrow From the Mother of Jesus
January February 2003   Free Yourself From Your Possessions
November 2002   What My Grandmother Taught Me About Suffering
October 2002   How to Recommit to God and Each Other
September 2002   2 Ways for Your Music to Tune You Into God
July August 2002   5 Steps to Find Out Where God is Leading You in Life
May June 2002   3 Ways to “Know Thyself.” One of the First Maxims of Spiritual Life.
April 2002   3 Ways to Increase Your Hunger for Heavenly Food
March 2002   Steps to Ease Your Conscience and Care for Your Soul
January 2002   4 Passages That Can Wipe Away Spiritual Amnesia
November 2001   Sept. 11 is a Reminder That ‘You Will Not Know the Day Nor the Hour’
October 2001   Five Remedies for Unhealthy Friendships
September 2001   Four Things That Make Breaking Up Difficult
July August 2001   Are You Living to Work? Or Working to Live?
May June 2001   What Praying for the Dead Does for the Living
April 2001   He Entered Into the Battle for His Own Soul
March 2001   Eastern Spirituality: Catholic Style
February 2001   God is a Refuge and Strength
January 2001   Balance is a Word That is Very Important for Our Spiritual Health
January 2001   The Bible is Not a Science Book, It Isn’t a History Book Either, Then What is It?
November 2000   What Does the Gospel Say About Conflict?
October 2000   Wow! What a Woman
September 2000   Feeling Stressed Out?!?
July August 2000   Serve God
March 2000   Time
February 2000   On Assignment – Your Marriage
January 2000   Your Body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit