November 2022

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  From the Bishop
  From the Editor
  Remember to Vote No on Proposal 3
Corporal Works of Mercy   ¿Cómo pueden las familias practicar las obras de misericordia? - Enterrar a los muertos
Catholic Charities   Catholic Charities - November 2022
Culture   Soup to Soothe Our Souls
Last Word   Closing Thoughts From a Young Catholic
Work Life   I’m Thinking About Making Ministry My Day Job
Saint of the Month   Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
Culture   Sopa para calmar nuestras almas
Young Catholics   Working in the Seconds
Spiritual Fitness   In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
In the Know With Father Joe   Estimado padre Joe: Me siento como una mamá que está fallando constantemente.
Young Catholics   Finding Christ on Campus
Theology 101   Por qué la materia es importante en la liturgia eucarística
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Todos estamos llamados a ser santos
Theology 101   Why Matter Matters in the Eucharistic Liturgy
Work Life   Estoy pensando en hacer del ministerio mi trabajo diario
Young Catholics   Prayer as a Way of Life
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   We are All Called to be Saints
Spiritual Fitness   ‘En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo…’
Young Catholics   Speaking God’s Truth…With Love
In the Know With Father Joe   Dear Father Joe: I Feel Like a Mom Who is Constantly Failing
Saint of the Month   Santa Francisca Javier Cabrini
Around the Diocese   Things to Do - November 2022
Corporal Works of Mercy   How Can Families Practice the Works of Mercy? - Bury the Dead
Parenting   Oración familiar
Around the Diocese   Parishioner Supports - November 2022
Parenting   Family Prayer: Powerful and Transformative
Marriage Matters   Él dice: Ahora que podemos reunirnos nuevamente como familia extensa, quiero invitar al grupo grande para el Día de Acción de Gracias.
Around the Diocese   Retreat Centers - November 2022
Marriage Matters   He Says: Now That We Can Gather Again as an Extended Family, I Want to Invite the Big Group for Thanksgiving.