Remember to Vote No on Proposal 3
Election Day is Nov. 8
Election Day is Nov. 8
Meet Rebecca Mastee. Rebecca is a policy analyst and attorney with the Michigan Catholic Conference. Together with numerous pro-women and pro-life organizations, the MCC has formed Citizens to Support MI Women and Children to defeat Proposal 3. So, what is Proposal 3? You watch Rebecca explain in the video above or read her briefing note below. Rebecca writes.
Meet Rebecca Mastee. Rebecca is a policy analyst and attorney with the Michigan Catholic Conference. Together with numerous pro-women and pro-life organizations, the MCC has formed Citizens to Support MI Women and Children to defeat Proposal 3. So, what is Proposal 3? You watch Rebecca explain in the video above or read her briefing note below. Rebecca writes.
Proposal 3 is an amendment to insert 323 words into the Constitution of the State of Michigan. You can click here to read the text of the proposed amendment in full.
Proposal 3 was crafted by a coalition of pro-abortion groups led by Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union. It seeks to place unregulated abortion through the moment of birth into the Michigan constitution.
If this amendment were to pass, Michigan would become the abortion capital of the country and have one of the most permissive abortion laws in the world.
When it comes to our Constitution, words matter. With Proposal 3’s amendment, words really matter.
For example, this proposal never uses the word “adult” to describe who would be impacted by it. Instead, it confers an explicit, fundamental right to “every individual,” without any age limit. Hence, parental consent would likely no longer be required for teenagers seeking an abortion.
The 95-word summary of the proposed constitutional amendment, which will be on the ballot in November, says that Proposal 3 would also “invalidate state laws conflicting with this amendment.” Click here to see the ballot summary. If approved, the proposal would likely strike down dozens of existing laws that regulate abortion in Michigan.
This includes the state law that requires abortion clinics to be licensed and inspected to protect women’s health and safety.
Late term abortions would also be allowed because the proposal includes a vague mental health exception.
The amendment language in Section 3 allowing “someone” to aid or assist in an abortion likely negates the current requirement that only physicians may perform abortions.
Disturbingly, the proposal’s language could also prevent authorities from taking adverse action against someone that harms or even kills a woman during an abortion, if she voluntarily consented.
So, as you see, words matter.
This radical proposal even confers a constitutional right to sterilization for “every individual” with no stipulation as to sex or age limit. Invoking this constitutional right could allow a gender confused teen to obtain sterilizing procedures, such as puberty blockers, without parental consent or even knowledge.
I urge you to read the proposed constitutional amendment for yourself. You will see what many others are realizing: that it goes way beyond what Roe v. Wade ever permitted.
Help us to protect women, children and families by opposing this extreme amendment to the Michigan constitution. Vote No on Proposal 3. Thank you