It Doesn’t Matter How Much or Little You Have
It Doesn’t Matter How Much or Little You Have
Five Minutes
“2fer” Prayer
-Praise God for 2 Things
-Thank God for 2 Things
-Be sorry for 2 Things
-Pray for 2 People
-Pray for 2 Things for Yourself
-Pray slowly and picture each person or situation
-Sit and listen
-How is God working in your life now?
One Hour
Be still and stare or look at some object of God’s creation—a tree, a flower, a snowball. Listen in the silence. Calm and quiet yourself. Tell God three things or people for which you are grateful and why. Reflect on gratitude and on how God is working in your life at this time. Do you experience joy? Why?
One Day
-Find a place that is quiet, beautiful, or speaks to you in a special way—along water, in the mountains, or woods. Decide if you want some direction from another or if this day is to be a quiet, private retreat.
-Pick a theme for the day: gratitude, loss, forgiveness, prayer, vocation, relationship, etc.
-Start by enjoying breakfast. Slow down and think of the things we take for granted—food, clean water, warmth, clean air.
-Take some quiet time to listen to the silence.
-Contemplate your chosen theme and listen. (You don’t grow into deeper prayer without contemplation.)
-Have a conference with a spiritual director. Read a book or listen to a tape that is appropriate to the theme of the retreat.
-Go for a walk.
-Savor lunch.
Read and rest, if necessary.
-Listen to music and think of words. Pray with it.
Spend more time in contemplation and decide where the Lord is leading you.
One Weekend
Use the ideas from a one-day retreat or find a weekend program at St. Francis Retreat Center or another retreat center. Realize going into the retreat that there are three people involved.
1. The retreat director
2. You, your attitude and willingness to participate
3. The Holy Spirit. Give yourself plenty of quiet, prayerful time during the weekend.
One Week
Select a location, retreat center, cottage, mountain top, etc. Decide between the three basic options for a week-long retreat.
1. Directed Retreat—Meet daily with a director and celebrate Liturgy with others. Contact St. Francis Retreat Center about times and places of directed retreats.
2. Preached Retreat—Conferences will be preached and liturgy celebrated. There will also be scheduled quiet and prayer time.
3. Private Retreat—The schedule and agenda are up to you. Some points to consider:
-Select a topic
-Find appropriate reading material
-Possibly listen to a taped talk
-Find taped music to lift the spirit
-Walk with God often
-Listen, listen, listen