Last Word

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July August 2024   Hospitality: The elusive gift
June 2024   Lessons from the first martyrs of Rome
May 2024   Our Diocese … As I See It
April 2024   Obey God! Our Lady of Lourdes and Healing 
March 2024   Loving Phoebe
January February 2024   Forming Disciples
December 2023   A Visit from St. Nicholas
November 2023   The Profound Importance of Gratitude
October 2023   Full of Grace
September 2023   ‘We are all so excited — it’s surreal’
July August 2023   A Necessary Crusade for Christ
June 2023   Words from the Father: Pope Francis Offers Thoughts on Fatherhood
May 2023   Our Blessed Mother: A Radiating Example of Christ
March 2023   Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on the Meaning of Charity
January February 2023   The Heart of Catholic Education
December 2022   ‘We Are the Hands and Feet of Jesus’
November 2022   Closing Thoughts From a Young Catholic
October 2016   Empowered by the Holy Spirit
September 2016   The Church is our home for forgiveness
July August 2016   My best day as a priest
May 2016   Our mothers - the wellspring of human life
April 2016   Be an ambassador of Jesus
March 2016   Human Rights Come From God
January February 2016   An encounter with mercy
December 2015   Look for Jesus, Mary and Jospeh in the faces of today's refugees
November 2015   Spend Some Time Comforting Others
October 2015   Walk the Journey of Conversion
September 2015   What did Jesus mean when he told us not to judge?
July August 2015   A good priest, a servant priest
May 2015   Visiting the sick
April 2015   To Harbor the Harborless
March 2015   Clothing the naked
January February 2015   Spiritual Hunger
December 2014   Presence, not presents, this Christmas
November 2014   The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
September 2014   Keeping your promises
June 2014   The Church and the Affordable Care Act
June 2012   Faith is reasonable
May 2012   How should we be generous?
April 2012   Justice needs mercy
March 2012   What do we mean by 'justice'?
January February 2012   What is courage?
December 2011   The birth of a child
September 2011   Lay ministers responding to God's call
July August 2011   What is God calling me to be? A step-by-step guide to discernment
June 2011   Do you give the most important gift - time?
May 2011   The wedding feast of the Lamb
April 2011   God gave you gifts – what are you going to do with them?
March 2011   How do we encourage each other to participate in the Church?
January February 2011   How much do you know about what you believe?
January February 2011   A Joyous Home Blessing
December 2010   Joy to the world!
November 2010   Accepting Loss
September 2010   Why is the DYLC so important?
July August 2010   My vocation as a priest
June 2010   What does an engaged parish look like?
May 2010   What is Catholic Education?
April 2010   What does it mean to evangelize?
March 2010   What’s a steward? Are you one?
December 2009   From one magazine to America’s fastest-growing Catholic publisher
October 2009   A year for priests – Please pray for all of us
September 2009   Dear teens...
June 2009   St. Paul The Catholic Apostle
March 2009   The faith’s most famous convert – Saul became St. Paul
January February 2009   Light in Darkness
November 2008   St. Paul a reformed bully
October 2008   Dear Student – Where's God in your life?
September 2008   Theology of change
July August 2008   Can we feel safe?
May 2008   Will the real baby boomer please stand up?
March 2008   The Greatest Generation – at home
January February 2008   Why should we care about our history?
December 2007   Peace In Our Time
November 2007   Patient suffering
July August 2007   “Love one another as I have loved you.”
June 2007   The power of generosity
April 2007   Pleasure, happiness, joy
March 2007   Let go and let God
January February 2007   Stem cell research
November 2006   Heaven, purgatory, hell
October 2006   Don’t worry – be happy
September 2006   To wish, to hope – what’s the difference?
July August 2006   “Vengeance is mine,” says the Lord
May 2006   Faith or reason?
April 2006   Saying goodbye to my mother
December 2005   I was baptized
November 2005   Hurricane Katrina
October 2005   Where does evil come from?
September 2005   Top 10 reasons to join a youth group
July August 2005   Joseph’s miracle at Lourdes
June 2005   A baroque pope?
April 2005   Natural Law
January February 2005   Retired Yet Active
October 2004   Stealing: More going on than meets the eye
July August 2004   Purity of the body is grounded in purity of the soul
June 2004   Does human life belong to us or God?
May 2004   How I honor my parents
April 2004   The Sabbath
March 2004   Use the Lord’s name: as you would the name of a loved one
January February 2004   A journey:
November 2003   Peacemaking is not an easy task
September 2003   How to make major life decisions
July August 2003   Purity of heart and the 6th Commandment
June 2003   What side of the Lord do you stand on?
May 2003   Our hunger and thirst for righteousness
April 2003   Why meekness doesn’t mean weakness
March 2003   Why the beatitudes are a guide to happiness
January February 2003   Who are the ‘poor’ who will inherit the Kingdom?
December 2002   Remembering a forgotten devotion
October 2002   Why true love waits
September 2002   An open letter to teenagers
July August 2002   Families and vocations
May June 2002   The local effects of Pentecost
April 2002   Ethnic parishes help keep faith alive for those in a new world
March 2002   My most powerful and beautiful experience of reconciliation
January 2002   Are you saved?
October 2001   What my sisters mean to me
September 2001   Tapping into a yearning and fulfilling it. That’s youth ministry.
July August 2001   How is retirement going?
May June 2001   My experience of having cancer
April 2001   Did Jesus Really Descend into Hell?
March 2001   Embracing other rites
January 2001   Ecumenical experiences
December 2000   Our Reason for celebration
November 2000   Holiday Time, Family Time
October 2000   Women of the Church
September 2000   The Joy of God
July August 2000   Our American Rights
May June 2000   Where Are You Going?
April 2000   Eternal Easter Visions
March 2000   The Desert Experience
February 2000   Catholics as Evangelists
January 2000   Old Janus and a New Year – looking both ahead and behind