October 2019

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Local News   Vocations update
Good Life   I Don’t Like my First Job Out of College – At All
Feature   Rachel’s Vineyard
Feature   Namesake of Catholic university centers, John Henry Newman, to be canonized this month
Marriage Matters   He says: I had an emotional relationship via Facebook
From the Bishop   Sixth decade of the Rosary
  What can you do to build a culture of life?
Special Report   Canonization of Cardinal John Henry Newman
  Heroism and priesthood, Dachau and Amazonia
Last Word   Remembering the other Father Pautler
Diocesan News   Meet David Kerr, new director of communications for the Diocese of Lansing
Stewardship   Generosity needs a plan
GO Evangelize   As a volunteer driver, Gary shares his faith
Local News   Always be prepared to make a defense … (1 Pt 3:15)
Parenting   More Tips for Raising Kids Who Are Great Humans
Parenting   Más consejos para criar niños que sean GRANDIOSOS HUMANOS
Cover Story   St. Vincent de Paul micro-loan changed Lynda’s life
Local News   Lenten almsgiving raises funds for families of children with cancer
Culture   St. Luke’s Little Summer Salad
Theology 101   Encontrando a Jesús en LAS ÓRDENES SAGRADAS
Theology 101   History of the Sacrament of Holy Orders
Local News   Caring for Kids
In the Know With Father Joe   Will our pets be with us in Heaven?
The Church in the World   Myanmar Catholic refugee community growing in Indianapolis
Local News   Fall Assembly encourages catechists and teachers to be rooted in Christ
Theology 101   Encountering Jesus in the Sacrament of Holy Orders
Feature   It begins and ends at Notre Dame
  Colegio Nahuala
Work Life   Am I a Team Player at Work?
Ask Father Mike   Can we have a sense of humor about God?
Local News   Sacred Heart installs original church bell
Grow as a Disciple of Jesus   Can You Commit to Being a Disciple of the Master?
Cover Story   Grandparents Life