Fall Assembly encourages catechists and teachers to be rooted in Christ
The annual diocesan Fall Assembly helps the Catholic school teachers and catechists of the diocese be invigorated in the faith as they set out to light the same fire of faith in the children of our diocese.
On Oct. 4, the assembly attendees will participate in keynote sessions offered by Bill and Angela Schnieders. Bill and Angela both worked fast-paced careers. Angela has been a successful mission advancement professional working to grow Catholic institutions and is a founding partner of Mission Advancement Partners, a nonprofit fundraising consultancy group. Bill worked in Silicon Valley for tech giants such as Cisco Systems. Both Angela and Bill left their busy careers to pursue a life closer to the earth. They settled near Flathead Lake in Montana, building a permaculture ranch and seeking to live a sustainable life rooted in faith.
Other assembly speakers include Samantha Kelly, a former NCAA Division I soccer player for the University of Connecticut. She has worked with college athletes as a missionary for FOCUS and Varsity Catholic. Her close work with college students will allow her to bring unique insights about the Catholic Church’s Theology of the Body teachings to attendees. Dr. John Bergsma, a theology professor from Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, will equip the teachers and catechists with a more profound working knowledge of the course of Scriptures and the work of God among his people. From the Old Testament to the Gospels and founding of the Church, he will help attendees see the deep connections throughout salvation history.
Brian Kraut, director of evangelization, desires that every individual serving the Church would embrace St. Paul’s words to the Church of Colossae, “So, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in him, rooted in him and built upon him and established in the faith as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” Kraut said, “The theme, ‘Rooted,’ is taken from the Letter to the Colossians and invites attendees to be rooted in Christ; because when a tree puts down roots, it produces fruit abundantly.” Kraut invites all to pray with him for all those attending the Assembly that “the Holy Spirit would bring this truth to reality so that we all might witness and give thanks for what God is doing in our midst.”