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  How Did Advent Come to Be on the Church Calendar?
December 2022   Starry Night Christmas Punch
December 2022   What are we Preparing for This Advent?
December 2022   If You Don’t Pray Every Day, Start This Advent
December 2022   Christollen de Navidad
December 2022   A Bite-Sized Feast for Advent
December 2022   Praying at the manger, Devotions for the season
December 2022   No esperes a ser ‘santo’ para comenzar a orar
December 2022   Bow down: The meaning of the Christmas crèche
December 2022   Await the Lord with an Open Heart
December 2022   Treasures of Faith: An Advent Project
December 2022   Acercándose a la temporada navideña
December 2022   The Lord is coming
December 2022   What difference does Christmas make for our lives?
December 2022   The hard work of forgiveness: The greatest gift you can give and receive
December 2022   Blessing of an Advent Wreath
December 2022   4 exercises for the 4 Sundays of Advent
December 2022   Begin by Saying Yes to the Lord
December 2022   Preparing our hearts to receive Jesus: Praying during Advent
December 2022   Cathedral Cookies for Christmas
December 2022   Let the Light of Christ Shine in the World
December 2022   Proclaiming the Good News Artfully
December 2022   ¿Cómo llegó el Adviento a estar en el calendario de la Iglesia?
December 2022   A Tasty Tradition
December 2022   The Joy of Eggnog
December 2022   Anticipating the Birth of Jesus With a Jesse Tree
December 2022   Praying in the style of Mary – reflecting on God’s Word: Lectio Divina
December 2022   Deja que la Luz de Cristo brille en el mundo
December 2022   How Do I Pray for Someone to Come Back to God This Advent?
December 2022   Christollen
December 2022   A Light for Us All
December 2022   Four ways to make Advent peaceful
December 2022   Don’t Wait to Be ‘Holy’ to Start Praying
December 2022   An Advent’urous Design
December 2022   Posadas
December 2022   ReADVENTing a Calendar
December 2022   Approaching the Holidays
August 2022   Christmas Recycled - What to Do With All Those Cards
August 2022   5 Senses of Peace and Quiet