Sarah Trusts God to Work in His Time
Sarah Salow, director of evangelization and catechesis at St. Mary’s in Pinckney, uses the happenings of everyday life to allow the Holy Spirit to work through her in new ways to share the love of God.
Sarah Salow, director of evangelization and catechesis at St. Mary’s in Pinckney, uses the happenings of everyday life to allow the Holy Spirit to work through her in new ways to share the love of God.
It's about how am I going to let the Holy Spirit work through me if he so chooses.
Witness: Oftentimes, people think that in order to be a witness, you have to be standing on street corners holding a sign or something like that, but that's not my go-to. When people hear that I'm a director of evangelization and catechesis, they expect an outgoing and forward sense to witness, and for me it's more so about how you treat people and how you live your daily life. I like to think that the way I live my life is an opportunity for witnessing on its own.
Invitation: I've learned that invitation doesn’t necessarily mean I have to walk up to someone and invite them to church, it’s just asking the Holy Spirit to do his work. I think I spent so much of my younger years trying to get people to be Catholic. Now I realize it's not about how I'm going to make them Catholic, it's about how am I going to let the Holy Spirit work through me if he so chooses to lead them to Jesus at that time. And I have to willingly open myself up to whatever he wants me to do.
Accompaniment: In my work, I see mothers and fathers who really want Jesus for their children, and accompanying them means finding ways to walk with them rather than simply saying, “Here's how you do it.” We work at finding ways to help them encounter Christ as people and as parents, and then that naturally flows into families.
Prayer: Loving people is wanting heaven for them. Often, I look at the people I love who don’t know Jesus, and I'm thinking, “How can we make this go faster?” Instead of trying to force it, I take that step back and pray, instead of acting out of impatience. It forces me to sit back and trust God to work in his time. When I stop and ask, “Come Holy Spirit and move hearts,” it opens things up that I wouldn't have imagined.