For Ola, accompaniment is all about community
Ola Hasso, a senior financial analyst at McLaren Health System and a parishioner at St. Matthew in Flint, volunteers at the Catholic Community of Flint College and Young Adult Ministries. She has found that during this time of uncertainty, opportunities for evangelization and outreach are present in every area of life.
Witness: Especially right now, I think the key part of witnessing is reminding people that they are good and that God is pleased with them. Many people are currently challenged with that because we don't always see ourselves as God sees us. With all that is going on, we need to be reminded of our inherent goodness and the peace and joy that God wants to bring us during this time.
Invitation: Invitation is a challenging one right now because the dynamic has changed. We’re inviting people to participate virtually, through online worship and Bible studies and things of that nature. For my co-workers and friends who are not active in their faith or are not Christian, my focus is inviting them to spend time contemplating God and pursuing the truth.
Accompaniment: I think the key to accompanying others is allowing ourselves to be accompanied by them. This is what God is saying to me during this time. Even though I'm helping others in their faith journey, it’s crazy how I grow even more as a disciple through the witnesses of others. This is what accompaniment means: community.
Prayer: My husband and I have been able to start each day off with prayer and declarations. We invite God to work through us each day and declare the truth of God’s goodness and the ways he is working in our lives. It has been especially nice to be able to do a walking rosary together. We’ll walk around and pray for all of our neighbors and the city of Flint.