GO Evangelize: Create persistent relationships rooted in faith
Prayer: Every decision and act I make in my life, I try to make centered in prayer. At the beginning and end of each day, before every meal and every exam, I make a prayer to incorporate God into everything I do. Having a relationship with God through prayer allows me to evangelize in a confident, personal manner.
Invitation: Being a part of such an incredibly active student parish at the University of Michigan gives me so many wonderful opportunities to invite others into my faith. Sometimes, all it takes is a simple invitation to a game night where someone can experience the community of welcoming, genuine people that the Catholic Church harvests. Once in that community, the Holy Spirit takes over and discipleship occurs.
Witness: Over this past year, I have been incredibly blessed to have journeyed with and witness a group of students take their faith to a new level. At first, I found being around individuals exceptionally strong in their faith intimidating. After reflecting on this in prayer, I felt God remind me not to be intimidated, but to be inspired to learn and grow alongside them.
Accompaniment: As a person’s faith journey is never completed, I remind myself that we should never cease to help others grow in faith. Creating persistent relationships rooted in faith is key to this constant growth. Including God in everyday conversation allows me to be accountable and present in my peers’ faith lives.