As a church musician, Dominic is constantly ‘inviting others into prayer’
Prayer: I believe it is important to begin every day with prayer. In order to evangelize others, I first need to take care of my own spiritual life. Personally, I use spontaneous prayer that comes directly from the heart. I start by simply talking to God about whatever is on my mind. This helps me form a very personal relationship with the Lord, and opens the channels of communication both ways, so God can speak to me in a personal way as well. Other prayers that I pray daily include the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Litany of Trust, and the St. Michael Prayer.
Invitation: Being a church musician, I am constantly inviting others into prayer. Every time I play a hymn at Mass, I invite all to participate in singing. Before each Mass, the choir and I pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit through our music, and that it may touch the hearts of the congregation, drawing them closer to God. Then, we play our music to the best of our ability and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.
Witness: It is a goal of mine to always be a living example of the faith. By establishing a personal relationship with God through daily prayer, it makes being a joyful witness easy! I like to evangelize through example, where other people can see God at work in my life, and the effects that go with it.
Accompaniment: Faith is a lifelong journey, and it is important to have people you can rely on to be there along the way. I always try to be there for others in their faith life, just as many people have been there for mine.