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Discussion Guide for July/August

Work Life

  1. What would you do to evangelize in a situation like this? What virtues are helpful in this situation?
  2. How do you respond when coworkers ask you about your faith?

Marriage Matters

  1. Have you and your spouse ever dealt with the issue of funeral pre-planning? How did you begin the discussion?
  2. Is your view of death hopeful or pessimistic? What does Scripture teach about this?

Conflict Resolution

  1. Have you ever had to confront someone about their behavior? In what ways did both parties adapt in the situation?
  2. How do you approach a difficult situation in charity?

Spiritual Fitness

  1. Have you attended another retreat that could provide ideas on how to make an in-home retreat fruitful? Were there specific themes or exercises that you could bring into your home?
  2. Do you ever attempt to make even a small daily retreat through prayer?

Theology 101

  1. How familiar are you with the catechism and other Vatican II documents on marriage? What other reading material about marriage and the family have you found helpful?  
  2. What are practical ways that you and your family can more fully live out the Church’s teaching on the mission of the family?

Consecrated Life Feature

  1. What are some ways in which you share your gifts with others?
  2. Brother Francis was obedient to his superior, and it led him to a life he had not envisioned. Have you ever had a similar experience, perhaps on a smaller scale? How has God worked in your life through the advice of others?

Cover story: Putting others first

  1. Have you ever had to comfort someone of a different religion who has lost a loved one? How did you approach the situation?
  2. How can we find hope and meaning in grief?


  1. What kind of family traditions do you have, and how are they passed down? Is faith part of that tradition? 
  2. How often do you make an examination of conscience to prepare for the “final farewell”?

Parenting Journey

  1. Does your family have a structured summer vacation?
  2. Do you allow yourself to take a break from the busyness of life, while still realizing that your prayer life should not have a break? What is your prayer life routine?

Saint of the Month

  1. Have you ever forgiven a person after they did something really terrible to you or to your family?
  2. How can we grow in the beatitude of meekness?


  1. What are specific ways you can use social media to spread the Gospel?

Profile of a Disciple

  1. How did Pat’s story inspire you to become a better disciple?
  2. How do you help those less able than you come to Jesus?