Discussion Guide for January/February
Conflict resolution
Have you ever witnessed bullying behavior and been unsure whether or not to intervene? Doesn’t the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10) tell us we must always protect our neighbor?
Theology 101
- Did you know that the English word “mercy” appears hundreds of times in the Bible? Discuss your favorite passage on mercy. See, for example, Luke 6:36, Titus 3:5.
- What are your plans for engaging in the corporal works of mercy in this Jubilee Year for Mercy?
Spiritual Fitness
- In what ways do you find it difficult to surrender to God? Read Jesus’ powerful words in John 15:7.
- How do you find the time to pray every day? Do you set aside a specific time, or does it vary?
The Last Word
- Sometimes we can forget that the sacrament of penance is about reconciling with God and his Church. How would you describe how you feel after receiving God’s grace?
- Did you realize that some of Jesus’ first words after his resurrection were words empowering the apostles to be his conduits of forgiveness (John 20)?
Cover story
- Discuss the role of faith in education. What is important to you and your family? Faith formation? Catholic identity? Academic performance?
- How can you be more involved in your area Catholic school?
Consecrated Life
- What is the role of language in identity? Do you feel everyone should just learn English?
Girl Scout feature
- Were you aware of the Catholic awards for Girl Scouts? How is Marie an example of living out the call of discipleship in her everyday life?
Marriage feature
- What do you believe is the most important element in a successful 50-plus-year marriage? Patience? Forgiveness? Tolerance? Faith?
Work life
- Have you been put in the position of being expected to affirm a same sex wedding? Discuss 2 Tim. 3:12.
Parenting journey
- What are some of the ways to get involved when you move to a new parish? How can you get your kids involved?
- See Romans 15:7. Is yours a welcoming parish? Do you welcome the new parishioner of any ethnicity?
- Have you ever done “missionary” work at home? Have you responded to the FAITH in Flint diocesan initiative and looked into volunteer opportunities there?
Saint of the Month
- Were you surprised to learn that the first Holy Cross Brother to be canonized, St. Andre Bessette, was such a simple man?
- Have there been times in your life when you have prayed for the intercession of St. Joseph?