WGN News Recently Names St. Joan of Arc School Teacher as Teacher of the Month
Angela Suwanski has been the kindergarten teacher at St. Joan of Arc School, in Lisle, for the past three years. She was nominated by a student at the school for WGN's Teacher of the Month award, and was recently selected. As a result, she was interviewed by Gaynor Hall, a WGN News reporter, and the segment aired in late September and early October.
This past school year was unlike any other in history. Students of all age levels had to quickly adjust to a new normal: e-learning, zoom sessions, online test taking and the lack of social interaction with fellow classmates. Their constant through this whole process was their teachers.
"The love and care that Mrs. Suwanksi showed her students all year, but especially during lockdown, was inspiring," said Lauren Nelson. She and her daughter, Mia, nominated Suwanski for the Teacher of the Month award. "It was a very tough time for little children, and it she definitely made it easier by her commitment to each student's well-being. It wasn't just about the classwork, but about how each student was feeling through the pandemic."
Mia, who is in first grade now and nominated her teacher over the summer, said she felt like Suwanski was her "best friend." Lauren attributed Mia feeling that way because Suwanski individually Zoomed so many times and had periodic one-on-one check-ins with her students. "Mrs. Suwanski is a definite believer in teaching and caring for the whole student," Lauren said.
Suwanski is a graduate of Bradley University with a Bachelor of Science degree. She came to St. Joan of Arc already having a decade of teaching experience and has endorsements in language arts and social sciences. She also holds an ECE Credential Level 5 certificate.