St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic School
Graduating leaders in action, modeled on Christ since 1916
Graduating leaders in action, modeled on Christ since 1916
St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic School is an integral part of a Jesuit parish community. Our mission, in partnership with parents, is to develop and harmonize the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical capacities of each child. Our ultimate goal is to graduate students who are leaders in action, modeled on Christ.
At St. Al’s School and Early Learning Center, everything we do is mission-driven. Every decision we make, every lesson we prepare, every Mass we celebrate, every program we offer, serves our mission to “develop and harmonize the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical capacities of each child.” We are passionate about our responsibility to help shape the hearts, minds, and bodies of our students.
• Intellectually — We provide a rigorous, well-rounded curriculum that is grounded in faith-based principles.
• Spiritually — We foster and nurture our students’ relationship with Jesus using Catholic values and Ignatian spiritual direction.
• Physically — We provide a diverse K-8 physical education curriculum and a wide variety of athletic opportunities through our extensive sports program.
• Emotionally — We help our students discover their God-given gifts through a multitude of opportunities in visual arts, performing arts and other academic electives and co-curricular activities.
We are so blessed to have a school community where Christ’s love is the foundation and focus of everything we do! Our school theme this year is “Building Community ----— One Holy Spirit Moment At a Time.” It is in sharing and receiving Christ’s love that we bless one another with Holy Spirit moments —what a wonderfully simple and powerful concept. We have already witnessed so many Holy Spirit moments this year shared among students, staff, families, alumni, parishioners, and volunteers.
At St. Al’s, we recognize and cherish all the Holy Spirit moments that were shared since the inception of our wonderful school more than 103 years ago. Our rich history of academic excellence and faith formation has led to the vibrant school and Jesuit parish community we enjoy today — a community that is ready to move “Full STEAM Ahead” as we embrace Phase 3 of our Building the Future capital campaign.
Phase 3 — Full STEAM Ahead — will complete the second floor of our new building, including:
• Performing arts classroom
• Common area/student work space
• Visual arts classroom
• Student & adult restrooms
• STEM classroom
• Elevator
• Conference room
• Enclosed atrium & stairway access
The tremendous support we receive from our school and parish community is a key reason why our school has such a bright future. We are eternally grateful for the special role they play in building our community — one Holy Spirit moment at a time!
Our beautiful, historic school building is located at 611 E. Mission Ave., on the northern edge of the Gonzaga University campus. For more information, please visit our website at www.stalsschool.org, follow us on Facebook at St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic School-Spokane or on Instagram at st.alsgonzaga. #wearestals #oneholyspiritmoment
To schedule a tour of our K-8 school, please contact Angie Krauss, principal, at 509.489.7825 or akrauss@stalsschool.org.
To schedule a tour of our Early Learning Center, please contact Julie Simmons, ELC administrator, at 509.489.7825 or jsimmons@stalsschool.org.