Parents the second time around
Tom and Angie are raising their three grandchildren – Kierstin, Kendra and Jacob – in Dexter. The family is part of St. Mary’s Parish in Chelsea. We asked Tom and Angie how their faith is helping them navigate parenthood the second time around.
“Tom and I have always felt that God only gives you as much as you can handle,” Angie says, “With the help of family, friends and the St. Mary’s community this certainly rings true.”
“My mom had a saying posted in her kitchen that pretty much sums up how we get our strength every day. ‘Good morning, this is God, and I will be handling your problems today,’” says Angie. “To see how much the girls have grown spiritually and socially just makes it all worthwhile. Getting out of bed in the middle of the night at our age is hard. But, seeing that smiling face means we are doing the right thing.”