Lenten Journey
During Lent, we are often in such a hurry to plan and celebrate Easter that we forget that the Lenten season is a time of reflection. We can call to mind the journey that Jesus took during what is now Holy Week, culminating with Easter Sunday.
Here at Catholic Charities, we witness many journeys. Every journey is different and brings its own unique challenges. But like Jesus during his journey, the determination of our clients never ceases to amaze us.
Whether we are watching a toddler puzzle over a task at St. Anne’s Children & Family Center, or a parent at Rising Strong working to heal their family after trauma brought on by substance use disorder, we see bright hearts shine tenaciously.
Sometimes it’s a family at St. Margaret’s Shelter learning how to find their way in the world after domestic violence has ravaged their lives. We see vulnerable individuals who have spent decades frequenting the House of Charity excitedly open the door of their new apartment at one of our supportive housing communities.
We also get to see the joy on a fragile senior’s face when their apartment door opens and they see a Catholic school student standing there with arms full of fresh produce from our Food for All program. We also see the relief when a volunteer from Senior Services comes to rake leaves or shovel the snow from a driveway.
No matter our circumstances, we have all felt like we are being tested. We all struggle to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But as Philippians 1:6 reminds us, “God didn’t bring you this far to leave you.”
As you reflect on Christ’s journey this Lent, take a moment to reflect on the journeys we all face. And as we celebrate Easter as a time of renewal, let us recognize the quiet courage in the faces we may overlook on the street. The journeys of the people that Catholic Charities serves who are working hard on the path to healing and transforming their lives.