Catholic Men’s Motorcycle Ride
This June, 25 men from throughout the Pacific Northwest gathered in Walla Walla for the second annual Catholic Men’s Motorcycle Ride. Father Matthew Nicks, our motorcycle-riding chaplain, kicked off the ride with Mass, followed by the blessing of the motorcycles.
Over the next five days, the men rode more than 1,400 miles across southeast Washington, southern Idaho and Montana through Hells Canyon, Craters of the Moon National park and the western edge of the Grand Tetons. They explored Virginia City and Bannack ghost towns, then rode over the Pioneer Scenic Byway and Lolo Pass.
Each day, they attended Mass, explored the great outdoors and enjoyed meals together. They had many opportunities to bond over unexpected weather, challenging road conditions and occasional mechanical difficulties. All are looking forward to this grand adventure next year! The 2020 Catholic Men’s Motorcycle Ride is planned for June 15-19, 2020. Email catholicmenmotorcycling@outlook.com for more information.