Apply for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development 2021-2022 Internship
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is an anti-poverty and empowerment program, guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ and principles of Catholic Social Teaching, that strives to help those combatting the effects of unjust systems. The Diocese of Joliet is seeking a CCHD intern to work with its Justice and Peace Ministry to do the following:
- Communicate and work with local organizations serving the vulnerable and marginalized of society.
- Take on your own project that is aimed to help a cause in your community.
- Promote the annual collection.
Depending on the current COVID-19 regulations, the intern would either work for 14 hours per week at the Blanchette Catholic Center or from home as part of a paid internship. To apply, or to find out more, email Alex Quezada, CCHD coordinator, at aquezada@dioceseofjoliet.org.
Deadline to apply: April 12, 2021.