Being a Steward When Stewardship is Hard
For many people, stewardship and giving can seem like big challenges. Poverty, unemployment and other obstacles prevent many of us from being able to contribute as much as we’d like, and this can often create feelings of guilt and anxiety.
For many people, stewardship and giving can seem like big challenges. Poverty, unemployment and other obstacles prevent many of us from being able to contribute as much as we’d like, and this can often create feelings of guilt and anxiety.
But there is reassurance for us. Proverbs 3:27 tells us, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.”
Of course, all are called to give, and to do so generously. But there are sometimes circumstances beyond our control that limit our giving power or take it away altogether. So what is a person of faith to do?
Give what you have
God knows your heart. If all you can spare is a coin, give that coin with a loving and grateful spirit.
But giving can—and should—go beyond mere money.
Each of us has been created with unique abilities, which we’re called to use to the glory of God and the lives of the people around us. Perhaps we have a talent that can help people worship, pray, or serve more effectively. Maybe we have an ability to coach, cook, fundraise, paint, construct, or craft in ways that support God’s kingdom well.
These are the reasons why there are service requirements in schools across the Diocese of Lansing. We want our young people to understand the value of their talents when it comes to enriching and supporting the communities in which they live. As adults, we can serve in similar ways.
As we all know, there are many challenges—social, spiritual, and physical—that need to be addressed. While the Diocesan Service Appeal can do so much—thanks to your financial support—there are practical needs to meet as well. Volunteers are necessary to render the loving care many people in our community need.
In fact, service opportunities across the Diocese are plentiful. Any of the organizations featured in this magazine—and many other Catholic organizations in our region—can benefit from helping hands that are actively working to serve others.
But even if these things—time, talent, treasure—feel like they’re too overwhelming to give, we encourage you not to give up. After all, there’s something every one of us can do to support the Diocese in its work, no matter where we are in life.
We all can pray
And, indeed, we must. The needs across our community are significant, and the DSA is an important tool for supporting those in ways that work well, while bringing the love of our Lord to others.
So if you are not able to do anything else, please pray for the success of this year’s DSA campaign.
And of course, if you can do more, we invite you to be part of our work. Together, using the tools and resources each of us has been given by our creator, we can accomplish great things.