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 | By The Diocesan Synod Team

For a Synodal Church

Communion, Participation and Mission

In May 2021, Pope Francis invited bishops from every diocese in the world to begin a process, called a synod, to spend time with the entire People of God reflecting upon communion, participation and mission.

It will culminate in a meeting of the bishops in Rome in 2023.

The term “synod” means to be on the same path with other disciples who follow Jesus Christ, the Way who leads us to abundant life.

“By walking together, and together reflecting on the journey made, the Church will be able to learn from what it will experience which processes can help it to live communion, to achieve participation, to open itself to mission,” said the pope at the launch of the synod process. Thus, the Holy Father wishes us:

  • To listen, as the entire People of God, to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church;
  • To listen together to the Word of God in Sacred Scripture and the living Tradition of the Church; and
  • To listen to one another, and especially to those at the margins, in discerning the signs of the times.

Given this, Bishop Boyea has asked us to have conversations with those in our lives who are struggling with the practice of their Catholic faith; those who are disconnected or, even, lapsed from the faith; and those who have never been Catholic. We want to hear what they have to say, too. Our primary effort in this synodal process is inviting the lay faithful to engage in mission by entering into these conversations. The household of faith is being asked to have conversations with the Lost Sheep and the Court of the Gentiles.

We are also offering resources for our charities, agencies and other organizations to hold conversations with the individuals and groups they encounter and serve.

Though we have identified specific groups we seek to listen to, we do not wish to exclude anyone who may have something to say to the Church. If the Holy Spirit places someone on your heart that does not fit any of the listed groups, you are most welcome to enter into conversation with them.

A short guide aiding people to have these conversations was sent to our parishes in January. Once conversations are complete, simply use the QR code or web address on the back of the conversation guide to upload your feedback.

Resources for all of these conversations, as well as an overview of the process, can be found on our diocesan synod portal at