Return to Immaculate Heart Retreat Center for prayer, reflection
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center Is Open and once again is available as a place of retreat, quiet, and prayer for the people of God.
Please use the facilities and services of IHRC to help refocus your life in Christ as we shake off the shackles of COVID-19. In addition to traditional retreats and days of prayer and recollection, IHRC offers a full slate of programs and opportunities for spiritual growth and enrichment. IHRC’s staff and planning committee are in the process of developing new models and offerings for our programming, several of which are new and creative.
As has been our tradition, Sunday and daily Masses are celebrated every week. We offer Eucharistic Adoration between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. every Friday; spiritual direction, small and large gatherings, study groups, prayer walks, Stations of the Cross and other spiritual offerings are also available.
Call (509) 448-1224 or email kparker@ihrc.net to make reservations or for more information. Immaculate Heart is our diocesan retreat center and has been an important part of our diocese since 1959. Take advantage of its spacious, sacred grounds and prayerful atmosphere just a short distance outside the city of Spokane, overlooking the sweeping vistas of Moran Prairie.