Restore Our Hope
By Supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal, You Support the Church in Eastern Washington
By Supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal, You Support the Church in Eastern Washington
The Church in Eastern Washington has shown itself to be faithful, flexible, and generous. When we feared the worst, we rose to the occasion and met the challenges of a pandemic head on. Because of this, our parishes and schools were able to safely open and continue to meet the needs of the people. We also demonstrated our commitment to the wider Church in Eastern Washington by supporting Bishop Thomas Daly through the Annual Catholic Appeal. Not only did we meet our 2020 goal, we surpassed it, and many parishes will be receiving a rebate that will be reinvested locally.
The Church in Eastern Washington has shown itself to be faithful, flexible, and generous. When we feared the worst, we rose to the occasion and met the challenges of a pandemic head on. Because of this, our parishes and schools were able to safely open and continue to meet the needs of the people. We also demonstrated our commitment to the wider Church in Eastern Washington by supporting Bishop Thomas Daly through the Annual Catholic Appeal. Not only did we meet our 2020 goal, we surpassed it, and many parishes will be receiving a rebate that will be reinvested locally.
Unlike other areas of our state, we have been able to welcome parishioners back to Mass and the sacraments. Our seminary, Bishop White Seminary, remained open and the young men discerning their vocation continued in their priestly formation. In addition, Catholic school students returned to in-person learning, enrollment increased, and the invaluable mission of teaching the young about Jesus Christ holds forth a promising future for the next generation of disciples. This has us looking forward with hope.
This year’s Annual Appeal has been named “Restore Our Hope.” It is based on this verse from St. Paul’s Letter to the Hebrews:
“Let us hold unwaveringly to our confession that gives us hope, for he who made the promise is trustworthy.” (Heb 10:23)
Our hope comes from the Lord. As Bishop Daly says quite often: “This hope is not merely wishful thinking. This hope is grounded in trust. We trust that we are being held in his hands and he is leading us.”
By supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal, you are showing your support for Bishop Daly and the Diocese of Spokane. Your support strengthens our hope as the people of God. If you have not already, you will soon be receiving pledge information for the 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal. If you prefer to make your gift online, please visit www.dioceseofspokane.org.
It will be through our collective participation that will help advance the mission of the Church in Eastern Washington.