Protecting Your Child - Driver’s Tips
Q: My 16-year-old just got a driver’s license. What are some tips to keep her safe on the road?
A: If she will be driving to school, have her leave home early so that she is parked at the high school well ahead of the crowd. Encourage her to “linger at the lockers” after school. Avoid distractions in the car: human and electronic! It might be tempting to use her as a chauffeur service for younger siblings but first let her “fly solo” for a while. Siblings don’t respect the complexity of her task. She is fine for routine driving situations, but she doesn’t have the experience to manage a boisterous 13-year-old and an irresponsible driver appearing out of the blue. Let her gain experience before she transports friends, too. Texting and phone calls have led to tragedies; make sure she knows that electronic devices aren’t allowed. When in doubt, pull over - whether to swat a mosquito or grab a pack of gum that slid across the seat!