One Body in Christ
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
On the Solemnity of Corpus Christi on June 11, 2020, I declared a Eucharistic Year throughout the Diocese of Spokane that will conclude on the same feast on June 3, 2021. The year will be marked by votive Masses and special devotions throughout the diocese. While I look forward to celebrating this special year with you, I know we are all pained by the separations we are enduring as we work to limit the spread of COVID-19. I wish for us all to be together again in our parishes. Yet, though we are apart in physical distance, we are united in our faith, united in our baptism as adopted sons and daughters of God the Father.
In my pastoral letter on the Most Holy Eucharist, I wrote, “After the consecration of the Mass, the priest beseeches God the Father, ‘grant that we, who are nourished by the body and blood of your Son and filled with his Holy Spirit may become one body, one spirit in Christ.’” Even when we are separated, we remain one body in Christ.
This year’s Annual Catholic Appeal has been fittingly named One Body in Christ. It is the Eucharist that forms us into one body in Christ and brings us together as the Church in Eastern Washington. As one body, we are called to assist the Church in her material needs, each according to his own ability. When we make a prayerful sacrifice and support the Annual Catholic Appeal, we are giving back to God and affirming the belief that everything we have comes from him. As one body in Christ, we share in the responsibility to support the ministries and programs of the diocese—not necessarily through equal giving, but through equal sacrifice. This is especially true as so many are out of work due to the ongoing pandemic.
By supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal, in whatever capacity you can, you are showing your support for the diocese—you are strengthening our faith as one body. I pray that, together with me, you will make a pledge to the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal. It will be through our collective effort that we will make a difference.
Thank you for your prayerful generosity.
In Christ,
Bishop Thomas Daly
By Supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal, you support the Church in Eastern Washington

Called to holiness
The diocese offers leadership and resources for parish youth ministry, Catholic Youth Conference, men’s and women’s conferences, catechetical formation for religious education, Newman Centers, Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), Inland Catholic, Prayer Pilgrimages, and Year of the Eucharist events.
Llamado a la Santidad
La Diócesis ofrece liderazgo y recursos para El Ministerio de la Juventud, la Conferencia Católica de la Juventud, Las Conferencias de mujeres, la Formación Catequética para la Educación, los Centros Newman, la Comunidad de Estudiantes Universitarios (FOCUS), la Revista Diocesana “Inland Catholic”, las Peregrinaciones de Oración y para los eventos del Año de la Eucaristía.
Be formed and educated in the faith
The diocese works collaboratively with pastors to cultivate Catholic identity, curriculum standards, teacher development, consulting support to principals, new principal mentoring and hiring new principals.
After the consecration of the Mass, the priest beseeches God the Father, ‘grant that we, who are nourished by the body and blood of your Son and filled with his Holy Spirit may become one body, one spirit in Christ.’
– Bishop Daly’s pastoral letter on the Most Holy Eucharist
Después de la Consagración de la Misa, el sacerdote suplica a Dios Padre que ‘nos conceda ser nutridos por el Cuerpo y la Sangre de su Hijo Jesucristo y, llenos de su Espíritu Santo, lleguemos a ser un solo cuerpo, un solo espíritu en Cristo’
– Bishop Daly’s Pastoral Letter on the Most Holy Eucharist
Ser formado y Educado en la fe
La Diócesis trabaja en colaboración con los párrocos para cultivar la identidad católica, para las normas curriculares de las escuelas, el apoyo a los maestros, apoyo a los directores de las escuelas, tutoría a los nuevos directores, contratando nuevos directores.
Called to seek vocation
The diocese provides guidance for young men and woman discerning vocations, vocation retreats, formation of seminarians, ongoing formation for our priests and deacons, and support for our retired clergy.
Llamado a buscar la vocación
La Diócesis proporciona orientación para los jóvenes que disciernen su vocación, para los retiros vocacionales, para la formación de seminaristas, para la formación continua para nuestros sacerdotes y diáconos, y para el apoyo a nuestro clero jubilado.
Support the Annual Catholic Appeal by Visiting https://dioceseofspokane.org/give