Offer to God a Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
Bishop Earl Boyea emphasizes the importance of this year's Diocesan Services Appeal
Bishop Earl Boyea emphasizes the importance of this year's Diocesan Services Appeal
Bishop Boyea, what is the theme for this year’s Diocesan Services Appeal and why did you choose it?
This year the theme is: “Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving.” This text from the Book of Psalms reminds each of us of how we are to respond to the many gifts we have been given by God, and that greatest gift: the gift of his Son in the Holy Eucharist. In this year of Eucharistic Revival, let us be especially grateful for the Eucharist which in Greek literally means “to give thanks.” Many blessings from God call forth from us many thanks, even sacrificial thanks.
Why is the Diocesan Services Appeal so important to you?
Our Diocesan Services Appeal is one such opportunity to give God thanks for his great gifts; for the work of the Church in our own lives and in lives across our diocese.
What will happen with our Diocesan Services Appeal gifts?
Your DSA gifts provide essential support for ministries in all our communities. From supporting meals and food pantries for those who are hungry; to pregnancy counseling, adoption services and life ministries; to the education and catechesis of our youth and young adults; to providing vocational formation for our seminarians and consecrated life, the deaconate, and marriage preparation; to campus and hospital ministries; and for a whole host of other ministries all helping to give glory and thanksgiving to God for the opportunity to help one another in love. Your DSA contributions make all of this possible. Our corporal and spiritual works of mercy are dependent on your charitable gifts.
Could our gifts get used elsewhere or invested for future use?
No. We put these dollars to work right away to provide help and hope for those most in need. They are not reserved for use in another year or in another diocese. Your dollars will help individuals and families in your communities, this very year, to discover the saving love of Jesus.
Do you think people will respond favorably to this year’s appeal?
Every year I am both humbled and grateful for the generosity shown by the clergy and lay faithful of the Diocese of Lansing. In fact, I always tell my brothers in the episcopate that I’m blessed to be the bishop of the best diocese in the United States. I really mean it!
Our Diocesan Services Appeal enables the diocese – through our parishes, our Catholic schools, our Catholic Charities agencies, and dozens of other ministries – to “Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving” for the many blessings he has, and will bestow upon us.
What’s your message to the clergy and lay faithful then?
I ask you to join me, along with all our brothers and sisters, to contribute to DSA this year. With your support and the strength and nourishment given to us in the Holy Eucharist, we will carry out the work of the Church in the year ahead. Please be assured of my prayers for you. Thank you! And may God bless you for all that you do with and for one another.