Rosary Box and Framed Image Collages

Rosary Box and Framed Image Collages

For both projects, you will need the following:

• A small unfinished wood box

• An unfinished wood picture frame

• Several sheets of scrapbook or collage paper for background

• Prayer card or any printed image of the Blessed Mother

• Floral or ornamental stamps

• Inkpads in colors of choice (for stamping)

• Decoupage medium (for adhesive and finishing)

• A medium-sized paintbrush

For the rosary box, simply cut out background paper and adhere (with decoupage medium) to all sides and top of the unfinished wood box. Stamp any design you wish to add more color and texture to your collage. Cut the contour of the Blessed Mother image and adhere on top of box lid. Using a paintbrush, apply a coat of the decoupage medium all over the finished box and let dry.

For the framed image, cut out background paper and adhere to the front and sides of the unfinished wood frame. Stamp any design you wish for additional color and texture. Apply a coat of the decoupage medium all over the finished frame and let dry. For the image inside, create a collaged design using background papers, stamps, and the printed image of the Blessed Mother. Frame the final image.

More ideas:

Don’t limit your collage to just paper and stamping. Use any recycled findings such as metal charms or pieces from a board game.

Since rubber stamps are sometimes pricey, use scrapbook paper with printed images instead. There are several out there.