Philippians Verse Decoration

Philippians Verse Decoration

  • Wooden panel (this one measures 8”x8”)
  • 2 sheets of patterned scrapbook paper trimmed to 8 ½ “x 11”
  • Decoupage glue or spray adhesive
  • Craft brush (for applying glue)
  • Craft knife
  • Fine grit sand paper
  • Ruler
  • Cutting board
  • Printer

Layout and print quote or verse on 8 ½” x 11” sheet of scrapbook paper. Using craft knife and straight-edge ruler, trim to size of wood panel. Adhere to the face of the panel (with decoupage glue or spray adhesive). Trim other piece of scrapbook paper and adhere to sides of wood panel. Allow sign to dry completely. Sand edges for worn and distressed look. Apply a coat of decoupage glue (or polyurethane) to finish.