Sacraments keepsake box

Sacraments keepsake box

  • 12” x 12” pieces of scrapbook paper
  • Craft knife or paper trimmer
  • Ruler
  • Acrylic craft paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Decoupage glue
  • Craft cement
  • Craft spray varnish
  • Small Phillips head screwdriver

With a screwdriver, remove lock and hinges from wood box and set aside.

Paint top of lid and dowel end caps and set aside to dry. Measure and trim scrapbook paper to fit cross and all sides of box (Helpful hint: for the irregularly shaped cross, trace it face down on the back of the scrapbook paper). Apply decoupage glue to all pieces and adhere to cross and box. Let dry. Sand edges for a worn look and apply a coat of spray varnish to entire box, cross and dowel end caps. Let dry. Replace the lock and hinges on the box. Using craft cement, glue the dowel end caps to the bottom corners of the finished box. Lastly, glue the cross to the top lid. Allow the finished project to dry for 24 hours before use.